Hidenori Iwasaki's Front Mission 4 soundtrack is a welcomed addition to the series, offering a decidedly tropical touch to the futuristic, gritty angst of the previous games. Such tracks as "Break Free," "Free Spirit," and "May Day" set this soundtrack apart as a distinct entry in the Square canon. Included with the soundtrack, Front Mission 1st offers veritable Square composer Hidenori Iwasaki's riff on the combined talents of Noriko Matsueda and Yoko Shimomura found in the superb Super Famicom score. Shimomura's manic battle themes balance out Matsueda's mournful elegies, providing one of the most memorable multi-composer scores since Chrono Trigger. The handful of original tracks Iwasaki throws into the mix are a welcome addition to this gripping dystopic masterpiece and give the entire four disc set a superb thematic unity listeners are sure to value.