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Forums / Religious Debate

I suddenly am in love with this topic. I'd contribute right now but my brain isn't functioning. basically what Meth/Viajera said. and Steve. I too studied the bible as a piece of literature in a class in high school (as in not studied it religiously, although I was raised catholic and studied it that way too so I've seen both angles...though I concider myself agnostic now) and the fact is, the book reads the same as a greek myth reads. and you know there is nothing NOTHING I hate more than these bible hugging FREAKS who haven't even read the stupid book they are clinging to. before I lived here in south florida I had no idea there were people like this, but down here there are so many extreme/crazy/insane people who come up to you on the street and try to save you. excrement... spew... where are my matches?

Last edited by Yuna1881 on May 28, 2006

Hehe. It's true (poor Yuna, has already heard so much of this) - a lot of stories had been made up. The story of Adam and Eve was made up by the scribes to explain how we came to be. And it was not an apple Eve ate, it was a fig (OH! that means mistranslations!). There are only 66 books in the Bible - that's because the scribes auditioned what would go into the Holy Book (not counter-acting government, law or king, of course), thus leaving out nearly 2,000 other books (including things like the Dead Sea Scrolls). There's too many places that can be contradicted - the fermented drink should never touch the lips of man versus drink your sorrows away. Man put in what they want and traditionally feel is right, because TRADITIONALLY it's a book supposedly based on good values and morality. It's completely true about the Greeks, too - we didn't like them and used the homosexual lifestyles as a tally against them - and that's why homosexuals are supposed to be bad. Because people are morons.

I had told this guy that I didn't believe homosexuality was a sin - to some it may imply a lot of polygamy, but that's only a stereotype - and he looked at me and said "Well, there are some lifestyles where no matter how good or how religious they are, you can see that it's a sin." Why? Because YOU don't like the idea of another penis? Who cares, that's your own personal preference. Tell me how it's a sin. Show me the proof, show me the evil. I've had people use AIDS as an example, which I find amusing considering that for the past three years it's predominantly been a heterosexual disease. That's like saying the blacks got sickle cell anemia as a disease for their sins or the Jews got Tay Sachs because they didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah instead of just a really good prophet. Well us Americans are fat. We're fat and stupid, and that's a disease that gonna keep on festering just because we never think about what we believe. Fuck you, mainstream America.
Viajera said:
Hehe. It's true (poor Yuna, has already heard so much of this)

are you kidding? your post was one of the coolest things I ever read. you make me smile :D
This marks it - the day I impressed Yuna was the day I would be God.

You can gravel at any time.
isn't it grovel? either way *gra/gro vels*
This topic is making me go to sleep. Being angry at that one guy who was Christian who told you you suck for a bullshit reason he believed in but you do not is passé. Something for teenagers to contend with. I realise that I spent a lot of time worrying (or considering) it when I was a bit younger, but somehow now I don't find it a compelling way to spend my time.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older and busier.

Either way, focus on the positive. There are more interesting things to think about than how much other people who don't believe the same things you do suck. I can accept it to an extent if you're constantly confronted by it (for instance, by being gay and living in an environment where there are a lot of Christians). But other than that, what's the point? They aren't going to change, and we're already aware that everyone here is pretty much aligned to the same thought process.
Viajera said:
Hehe. It's true (poor Yuna, has already heard so much of this) - a lot of stories had been made up. The story of Adam and Eve was made up by the scribes to explain how we came to be. And it was not an apple Eve ate, it was a fig (OH! that means mistranslations!). There are only 66 books in the Bible - that's because the scribes auditioned what would go into the Holy Book (not counter-acting government, law or king, of course), thus leaving out nearly 2,000 other books (including things like the Dead Sea Scrolls). There's too many places that can be contradicted - the fermented drink should never touch the lips of man versus drink your sorrows away. Man put in what they want and traditionally feel is right, because TRADITIONALLY it's a book supposedly based on good values and morality. It's completely true about the Greeks, too - we didn't like them and used the homosexual lifestyles as a tally against them - and that's why homosexuals are supposed to be bad. Because people are morons.

I had told this guy that I didn't believe homosexuality was a sin - to some it may imply a lot of polygamy, but that's only a stereotype - and he looked at me and said "Well, there are some lifestyles where no matter how good or how religious they are, you can see that it's a sin." Why? Because YOU don't like the idea of another penis? Who cares, that's your own personal preference. Tell me how it's a sin. Show me the proof, show me the evil. I've had people use AIDS as an example, which I find amusing considering that for the past three years it's predominantly been a heterosexual disease. That's like saying the blacks got sickle cell anemia as a disease for their sins or the Jews got Tay Sachs because they didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah instead of just a really good prophet. Well us Americans are fat. We're fat and stupid, and that's a disease that gonna keep on festering just because we never think about what we believe. Fuck you, mainstream America.

well as far as i understand christianity has nothing against actually being gay. its just they have issues with sex for pleasure not procreation. its less about not liking penis, and more about not liking wasted sperm. always felt a bit sorry for fundamentalist christians really, cause they're just so stuck. with the bible i find its best to mostly pay attention to the jesus bit ha, cause jesus was great but people are shit.
Rahul said:
This topic is making me go to sleep. Being angry at that one guy who was Christian who told you you suck for a bullshit reason he believed in but you do not is passé. Something for teenagers to contend with. I realise that I spent a lot of time worrying (or considering) it when I was a bit younger, but somehow now I don't find it a compelling way to spend my time.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older and busier.

Either way, focus on the positive. There are more interesting things to think about than how much other people who don't believe the same things you do suck. I can accept it to an extent if you're constantly confronted by it (for instance, by being gay and living in an environment where there are a lot of Christians). But other than that, what's the point? They aren't going to change, and we're already aware that everyone here is pretty much aligned to the same thought process.

for the record, it wasn't one guy that was just one of many examples. but your right it it shouldn't affect me so much, but its a pet peeve. its hard to believe how people get when you dont live in a place like here were there are so many of them. like I said when I lived in CT I never even knew there were people like that.
Yeah, of course while I supposedly live in one of the most Protestant areas of the Netherlands, I've never personally dealt with any religious people. So I may just be talking out of my ass. On the other hand, I may have developed an objective distance because of it.

I just look at it like this: they think Santa Claus is real. More fool them. Meanwhile, I'm going to go on with my life. They can languish their sunday mornings away in chants as much as they like.
oh jeez thats not what I meant, that you don't deal with religious people. but the type of people I am talking about, namely born again christians, I'm not saying they aren't anywhere else sorry if it sounded that way.... but they are typically southern american rednecks. people I never dealt with living up north.
You know, the majority of Christians are ACTUALLY good people. It is just the small few that wrecks it for the rest of them. Like Gogar said it is fundamentalism and extremism that just stuff things up, not only in Christianity but in pretty much all religions. Islam for example is a really good religion but look how extremism has altered the world view of it. You can't put the blame directly on religion, sure it contributes a bit, but a person is mainly a flaming piece of shit because that's just the way he/she is. Some christian groups may have outdated views on sex and homosexuality but they do do good things for the world. Alot of charity organizations are run by religious groups for example. Let them believe in whatever crap they want, as long as they can still function as a part of society.

Christianity bashing is old and has been done to death already. Find another religion to bash, like scientology.

Last edited by Quale on May 30, 2006

yesh I wasn't bashing anyone either, again I am speaking of the specific born again rednecks who have harrassed me and friends of mine.
Still, though. People who are religious essentially think Santa Claus is real.

So in a way, yes, all Christians are dumb motherfuckers that should have lived in the dark ages and no further. We're in the 21st century for Christ's sake (pun fully intended)!
I get a bit irritated at the ignorance of the average christian... but if they don't try to convert me or tell me I am going to the 'special hell' then I get over it more easily.
Rahul said:
Still, though. People who are religious essentially think Santa Claus is real.

You say he's not?! LIES! DIRTY, SHAMEFUL LIES!
Actually, Sweet Jane, that's about the jist of it. I think the most direct anti-gay thing I could ever find was how if a man was to lie with another man for the purpose of getting God's attention then it was wrong. Only thing I could find. They had so many kids dying it wasn't even funny, and they wanted to keep the race alive. That's why the Jews started doing circumcision (sp?) on little babies, because there was so much bacteria and stuff that the boys could die from infection in the nether regions. Of course they thought it was demons taking them then. That's also why they wouldn't eat pig - they were the animals to grow any pathogens the quickest so many people would get sick or die after eating it, which they also thought was being taken over by evil spirits. Thus the radical Jews who enjoy Christmas hams.
Mmmm, Christmas hams....
Only if they eat if through a sheet, though.
While were on the subject of religion...and this IS a gaming forum...feast your eyes on this!
oh dear god kirk cameron is trying to take over the planet with all his 'left behind' bs.

anyway, christian videogames remind me of this episode of the simpsons where rod and todd are playing ths game where you 'convert the heathens' hahahaha.
What's really funny is, you can play that game, Billy Graham's Bible Blaster, at the Simpsons's under Rod Flanders' profile.
Rachel said:
What's really funny is, you can play that game, Billy Graham's Bible Blaster, at the Simpsons's under Rod Flanders' profile.

oh yeah! thats what it's called!! hahaha thats so cool I'm so checking it out.
I'm actually looking forward to the left behind game. All the reports from E3 have the indication it might be good. Plus who doesn't like to execute sinners and non-believers, knowing you are doing god's good work.
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