March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Uematsu leaves Square Enix (updated)

Still, Kojima doesn't work at SquareEnix anymore, but he's still doing work on Advent Children...

At the same time, it's quite a shame. At the moment he's in Australia with our locally arranged concert of Studio Ghibli and Final Fantasy music. Pity I couldn't go and question him there...
Well, retirement comes with anything/anybody... though he will be greatly missed being a "core" and direct member of the Squarenix team, he also gets to retire with such a resume of accomplishments that only one could dream of.
It's in the stars: SquareEnix + Toilet Bowl + Flush
Hopefully Nobuo is immune from making soundtracks to crappy RPGs.
Uematsu's leaving is a definitely great loss to Square Enix.
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