March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Hey, let's publish some news about Square Enix Party 2005

Go the huge-ass robots!
this has nothing really to do with the topic bought i just read in EGM that their heard from inside scources working in square-enix that they are remaking FF7 for the PS3. Its all in this months issue.
Yeah and it's bullshit, so there you go.
Hehe, we'll surely get loads of bullshit regarding that FFVII tech demo, I reckon.

Anyways, I look forward for Grandia III, Kingdom Hearts II, FFXII (finally!)... and I want to know more about Dragon Quest VIII, Radiata Stories, though they weren't invited for the Party... and Rogue Galaxy (the recently announced new PS2 game from Level 5).
There's also a slew of mobile games, and delicious anime and magazines on display. And there's a cafe!
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