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Do you know who Akira Toriyama is? Does the fact that he is designing characters interest you? Do you find our amusing survey to be blatently stupid? Do you know living in Australia chances are high that you can't win this lame prize that has NO terms and conditions anyway?
Oh man, that survey was great, got emailed it yesterday. |
Thats why you should move to the greatest country on earth... Japan. And if you can't read/speak Japanese, go for the US, the runner up for gaming anime nerds.
I can't stand the DBZ art style to be honest. Then again, I can't stand DBZ's storyline either. Want to try out Dragon Quest(mostly because it's the only big RPG hitting the PS2 by Xmas), just hope the boring character designs don't interfere.
That and FFXII demo = glee |
staff |
DBZ had a storyline? Wait, so did Doom and various other titles that don't count! Probably why you didn't like it. I've been to Japan, I know the score. Living here doesn't have much effect on things, it just means I can't lap up the culture of Japan all the time. |