Well, I'll definately say this, THIS isn't the first game that I had assumed Sqenix would have made using Mario... WHERE'S MY SEQUEL W/ PRINCE MALLOW?!?!
Mallow was pretty damn sweet. I'm just hoping that Squeenix doesn't do damage to the Mario franchise this time. (...sports game huh?) Anyway... in my opinion, Geno was the guy to use-- but you can't beat a marshmellow who can control the weather with his PMS.
I never understood why Nintendo didn't capitalize on Mallow, Geno, or Boshi, among other characters from other Mario excursions, like Wart & Mouser from Super Mario Bros 2. Do they not have equity as characters? I mean, fucking Birdo is in Double Dash. Shyguy has made repeat appearences. Even those multicolored big-nosed grass-skirt-wearing things from Mario Sunshine have been showing up here and there. I think that a giant rat with a panache for sunglasses and bombs is just as feasable as a pink, snouty reptile creature that spits eggs. Maybe even more so.