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Forums / News / Advent Children sits atop a throne of 700,000

You've got to question the delay into a western market. Since no voice actors seem to be officially confirmed, or at least a large list isn't at best, one can't wonder if there's been problems with the dubbing.
I hope they're just fucking re-rendering the entire movie for English lip sync.
That would be an interesting move, since they are taking so long, they'd want to be doing that. Can't say I've heard of that being done much before. Plus, if it's being released in dual audio, at least one audio track would be off.
Nah, apparently you aren't too keen with the dubbing process. The higher quality route(which this will probably go) is taking the general meaning of the translation and rearranging the dialogue to match the mouths. A lot of anime does that now-a-days, stuff like Champloo and Bebop at least. Watch the english subtitles with the english dub on and you'll see how incredibly off the translation is off from the actual spoken dialogue in order to sync the lips.

Eitherway, I think it'll be really hard to watch the english dub after seeing the japanese so many times. Just depends on the crowd I'm with probably.
the way cg works is completely different from 2d anime. For instance, in 2d they HAVE to do it that way because they are not going to redraw the whole fucking thing. In 3d however, theres this thing called Render Layers which speeds up the process immensely. They can just re-animate the lips and re-render the heads with the lip synch then just composite it into the other footage (rest of the bodyes, background elements, etc). That way you will not have to render the ENTIRE THING, that would take months! Re-rendering selected layers of geometry would be the way to do it IF they decide to do it, the cheap way is what Christopher said, but it can be avoided
Go Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. I can only imagine what the success will be once it is released everywhere. I bet by this time next year it will have sold some 5+ million copies.
5? doubtful. It'll sell less in the US and EU than it did in Japan, so let's go for 1.5M total after all three territories have done one month. Then since it's a DVD, cut the increase down to a minimal... one year from now, 1.7-1.8M? unless there's a price drop or the other compilation titles boost it.
Thank goodness we have Rahul: Our very own bastion of pragmatic optimism.
To the earlier comments about lip-synching, no matter how much they change the dialogue there's plenty of weird moments where it doesn't match. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that the Japanese doesn't match either. Why? Because Japanese animation cares more about the facial expressions and emotion of the actual dialogue, not matching it.

Rahul is right, you forget the whole lame English world of downloading and never buying which I am apparently part of. It's a constant problem, and an already niche film will lose even more of its potential sales to people who'd rather get it for free.
I will still buy it when (if) it comes out over here, even though I have a bootleg copy...
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