March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Additionally, Valkyrie Profile Lenneth also announced

So, in order for me to play the 'original' game (and not have to fork over $100 to do it), I have to fork over the cash for a PSP game AND THE PSP TO PLAY IT ON!!!!!!!!!! grrrrr........
Dammit Meth, you should have realised $100 was a good deal, I've seen used copies of it going over $150 on Ebay.
Everyone in my school thinks final fantasy sucks i say FUCK THEM ALL!!! they dont know what they are missing by not playing cheap bitches
and this has what to do with valkyrie profile coming to psp?
Will the PSP ever get past the portable retrofilt stage? For such a remarkable piece of harware I personally and certainly hope so, if not my $250 investment at least. I've played more emulation on this fucker than actual publications.
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