i so definately have to get that oh my god so far im a and the good thing s i will be able to get it cause the day after is my birth day and i will get a shitload of money |
vip |
yeah cause GBA games tend to cost shitloads of money, right? |
Depends on the socio-economic stratum you elitist bastard. |
vip |
you mean "get a job"?
I agree with trs...
30 to 35 dollars...
Seems to easy...
Quale, you need to get out more... |
not really cause if you go to a cheap store where crappy 20 dollar games cost 5o bucks then what do you think a new game would cost |
staff |
New GBA games fetch around $60-$70 here in Australia. Given a new game for a home console is around $90, that's pretty expensive. |
GBA games are old now. Most of them only cost 50 bucks nowadays in Australia.
30 dollars can feed a family in Africa for a week you racist bastards. |
Racists...? i didnt even say anything to do with racism. I stated a fact that games only costs $50 here is Australia. Thats Racists? |
vip |
Oh my, has the concept of CHEAP INTERNET SHOPPING ever hit your lovely retarded heads? Dont forget that portable games are region free too.
Shut it Quale, you racist Doitch Bag |
well i dont spend my time on game boy cause i sold mines and im gonna get a ds |
What's a doitch bag? |
A douche bag is basically a prick....
I have a DS, but for now, I'll patiently wiat for FF3 to come out *twiddles thumbs* |
staff |
A deutch bag is a bag for storing defunct German currency, obviously. Stupid baby. |
or maybe someone should look up in a dictionary |
staff |
Douche bag - a small syringe having detachable nozzles for fluid injections, used chiefly for vaginal lavage and for enemas.
Oh and games here that are of the Square Enix variety are still more costly, so if FFV were to come out it'd be more than $50. Hell "Superman Returns" is priced at $77.25 when it comes out in November. Internet shopping? Yeah, for the GBA that would work out provided they didn't slap on a hefty postage charge to make up for it. |
But what's a doitch bag? |
vip |
yeah, #1 FUCK YOU to all that thought I didnt know how to spell Douche Bag to begin with
#2, watch Beerfest, it will all make sense then
#3, Im hotter than all of you |
i find that hard to believe |
I didnt say anything, and I'll gladly thank Nephtis for searching it up...
I dont have time for Beerfest!! Have to master.... Phantom of the Opera solo by Iron Maiden...
so close.... |
staff |
I knew what was going on, but people don't seem to know that a douche bag is these days, it's crucuial to remember it doesn't always mean 'idiot'. |
staff |
Sometimes it means 'doll-like Australian bigot,' apparently. |
or maybe stupid |
Or a prick! |
yeah so now we know what it stands for |
staff |
Get a real job, necromancer! |
staff |
The famitsu ratings for Final Fantasy V Advance are in:
8/8/8/8 - (32/40)
None too shabby! |
staff |
Dag-nabbit, I want this game! Speed up already, Time! |