March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Ivalice Alliance forged: Final Fantasy Tactics ported to the PSP

I am becoming increasingly vexed by the apparent need to lump any three games related to each other into some magnificent project.
I'm pumped!
Next up: Bucket of Einhander
Square's milking it. First with Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Fabula Nova Crystallis, and now the Ivalice Alliance, and don't forget the Mana franchise. What happened to independent projects? I'm not really complaining but they're making too many games at once. I wouldn't find it shocking if Nomura decided to make "The Kingdom Epic" consisting of Kingdom Hearts games based on side characters, because Olette needs a game all her own. LOL I haven't lost my faith in Square though. Final Fantasy XIV won't be released for another ten years then... I'm not even done with XII yet.
Ya there was. I hope A2 won't suck as bad as tactics advance.
YES!finally thie remake is coming!!!but i liked this game em psx2 plataform too!!And i hope more dificult of enemys and new maps!!Tactics is great!!
And new enemys too!!
My hopes for the "pitiful beggar" enemy class are renewed.
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