March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Tanaka: "We were making Final Fantasy III for PS2 until Nintendo convinced us otherwise"

Note: "a matter of timing" does not equal "a matter of time". But at least this reduces the validity of rumours that FFVII would appear on PS3. Considering the ginormous amount of work it would take to put it on PS3 when it may just as well get published on DS and sell 20 times as much.
But... 1UP says its coming out next year, so it must be true.
Don't forget that this; bit you in the ass last time. Are you still chewing and trying to swallow that? Hah, I'm I think it would be funny if they did release it on PS3. I can see the headline now. "Fuck you all, I don't even like Final Fantasy anymore >:(" I am just playing don't take me serious. I highly doubt the DS would sell 20 times as much considering people want and upgrade in graphics and audio not a serve decrease or the same graphics and aduio. Blu-Ray's uncompressed FF7 music would sound wounderful! They already made the begining intro to FF7 on the PS3 with the tech demo I think they might as well finish it. ;)
Man, you have way too much time on your hands. What is that, 4 years ago? And you remember that?

Yeah, FFVII AC bit me in the ass, but since then I've learned about the true nature and vile proportions of Polymorphism™, so I think my prediction abilities should be a little more efficient now.

Especially with the PS3 bleeding marketshare to the Wii.
How can you not remember when Advent Children was announced? Wow you sound just like those other who predict nothing but failure of the PS3. Don't forget 360's rough start and how they didn't have consoles availble on shelves until May. PS3's has plenty of quanities on shelves so it must be a failure. I also do believe PS3 has out sold 360(compare to it launch ofcourse) on several occausions. Judging a consoles sucess so early on is down right dumb. It hasn't even been out a year yet. I will remember this day because I will come back to just rub it in your face when the PS3 gains power over Wii and 360. I also hope they make FFVII remake on the PS3 just to upset you even more. Good luck with your predictions. I am glad you have time to sit around to predict stuff, but when the facts roll in don't let them bite you in the ass again. ;)
Yeah, Rahul. Watch your ass.
Of course I remember it, I'm just stunned that we have a user on the site who wasn't even registered in 2003 yet still remembers what I said at the time.

I never said anything about how successful PS3 will be, btw. I'm just stating what is currently happening: PS3 is bleeding marketshare to the Wii. Maybe they'll get back on top, but I don't expect them to. See you in 2010!
Plus the DS has more consoles shipped than any home console. Need I mention the PS3s excessively high price tag (more specifically in Australia...) would put off potential fans.

Unless of course Square Enix decide to make a new division called the "Nomura remake squad" who can continue to rehash old titles rather than creatively invent something new. I mean who'd want to do that?
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