March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Lost Odyssey, firm foundation

This game is starting to shape up pretty well. It looks to contain a very interesting storyline (albeit not very unique) and I like the return of a traditional RPG battle rather than the new systems placed in FF12.

If I can afford a 360 by the time this is out I will definitely be purchasing one for this game (if not GTA4 hehe)
Oh man, that trailer is an action junkie's dream come true... Reminded me a lot of 300, actually. My Mistwalker bias tells me that it looks awesome, but I fear the gameplay will get boring after some time (especially if Kaim can't die).
This is next gen and I would like to think that we've evolved past the substitutive conventions of the NES. Why are there still random encounters?
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