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Forums / Final Fantasy VII / zack or cloud?

i think cloud's boyfriend just started posting random nonsense.
you know what Nels? you have a good point, and a very positive outlook on things. the way I have always taken statements like that to mean, is the person is clarifying for the world to know that they are not gay because heaven forbid they be mistaken for a gay person while defending the gay people.

maybe you and I just encounter different types of people, because there have probably been a little of yours and a little of mine. I live in South Florida where ignorance is abundant so maybe I'm just used to assholes.
I think we encounter the same people. I have seen lots of people do just what you describe. But, I have seen many that don't, for the reason I laid out. So I just thought it was unfair to pigeon hole everyone into the group you stated (even if the poster you were referring to, was doing exactly that). :D
you are right, I did generalize but in my defense I haven't come across many of the people you are referring to.
amazing. this has turned from a stupid final fanboy 7 discussion, into a discussion about homosexuality rights.
yea what the hell?
do you not realize how things work around here?
Yes I understand how things work around here people have made me feel like a retard enough too understand that
Retard-dando said:
Yes I understand how things work around here people have made me feel like a retard enough too understand that

Please use periods to separate your thoughts. Thank you.
yes and the correct word would be 'to' not 'too' at the end of your sentence. try to use this to jog your memory in the future. when using the word 'too' substitute in the word 'also' and see if the sentence still works. if it does, you're ok. if not, you are probably using the wrong word.
You walked right into that one dando. Everyone is a closet grammar nazi here.
I'm out of the closet on that one. I'm more in the Grammar SS really....
Cloud is a great character, but he was ruined in Advent Children. Almost all of the characters were. I don't know what to say about Zack, there isn't a lot of information about him. Once I complete Crisis Core I suppose I can make a real decision.
i think both suck.

Never Saw Advent Children.

Never gonna play Crisis Core.

Last edited by Veszerin on October 25, 2007

AC was a pile of fan boy shit. "ZOMG CLOUD N SEF F1GHTIN' AGAIN!!?!!" Cloud was a super badass in the movie, while in the game he was a confused idiot. It was his character and they ruined it. Along with Yuffie in DoC, honestly shes like one of the three strooges. I really really hope that this entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII isn't pure shit. Before Crisis looks interesting but its going to be on a fucking cell phone. Seriously, cell phone games just plain suck, no one wants to use them unless they have the most expensive one.
omg why are we suddenly back on topic?!
i blame the new guy.

cmon, everything ff7 beyond Final Fantasy 7, is a pile of fan boy shit.
The only reason they exist, is so that square can make more money off the idiots that sit in a closet all day playing Final Fanboy 7 start-finish 30 times a year.
Sorry for my recent postings, I have been observing for awhile now, and I have much to say.

If I'm getting annoying I can stop, I know how annoying it is to see tons of posts on your forums.

Good Call Veszerin, everyone needs to stop trying to add or remake to games/movies.
yeah... I hate to agree with you but it's true. Square is definitely making money off the Sephy fanboys. why can't they be satisfied with the Zack-on-Cloud slash fanfiction floating around all over this internet thing? but yes, Final Fantasy VII has been very overdone, and its really just annoying at this point. I am eager for Square to come out with something that is actually NEW, rather than pulling a 'Disney' all the time (as in making countless sequels that suck based off one popular story).
Speaking of Disney I'd like to say I've never touched Kingdom Hearts and I'm proud of it.
nah, don't worry. these forums are usually pretty dead, its a nice breath of fresh air, and i'm seeing some good threads that i can bash ff7 in.

Besides, anyone who picked a XG avatar is welcome in my book :-p

Square is dead :(

They haven't really had a decent game since FFX. And no one mention Kingdom hearts, its not like that game has much of its own story, rather than a bunch of children disney movies jumbled together. They've ported FFI-II & FFIV-VI like 4 times now. They probably have a list of new things to add to the game, and rather than add em all at once, they just add one at a time, we'll get the final version of the 5 of them sometime in 2019.
The Mana Series hasn't produced a good game since Seiken Densetsu 3...which was...1995?
The Xenogears team left.
They changed their mind about a new Chrono game.
PS3 is a complete failure, is anyone going to actually spend 500$ on that piece of trash(which is probably as defective as PS2 was at launch) just for FF 13?

Square is through.
you know, as much as I like Kingdom Hearts, it really is just yet another reason for FFVII fanboys to get their jollies (jollies?) it really feels more like a nostalgic OMG LOOK I KNOW THAT GUY LOLZ thing than an actual story line.

but I like Kingdom Hearts so... yeah. I ignore that.

Squall is hot.
I have a PS3, only for MGS4. Metal Gear is a insanely good game, and every game has been promising. FF13 looks interesting, but thats all I can say for it. MGS has a awesome background and hasn't failed. PS3 is going to have a future, its just not the right time now.

But I agree with you Square has been shitty recently. Enix has produced awesome games, but Square is lacking. I do enjoy most of their remakes (especially the ones that haven't been released in the US).
Nels said:
By saying, "I'm not gay, and I support gay marriage," means that by allowing gay marriage, you will not be gaining something you didn't already have, so your belief is pure.

Yeah, good point. It's like when people brag about their lack of racial prejudice by naming the people they know. "I didn't bomb the negro church, I have black friends!"
I think it was in the movie cruel intentions where the woman justifies her racism by pointing out that she donates to several black charities yearly.
Oooh ooh! Or like I don't eat taco's I have asian friends. Does that work?
Matt, though your example is similar, the context is different, at that is important.

You said:

"I didn't bomb the Negro church, I have black friends."
you are using B (black friends) implies A (bomb church) compliment.

To reword it:

"I didn't bomb the Negro church because I have black friends"

I said:

"I am not gay, I support gay marriage"

The same logic does not apply. Or what would be read is:

"I am not gay, because I support gay marriage"
Or like I don't eat beef I have Jewish friends.
It's always fun to talk to people that love arguing so much that they even start arguments with the people that agree with them.

And by fun I mean pointless and a waste of time.
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