WOW. so crisis core actually did good? I mean, I was excited for it, but I was also excited for Dirge of Cerberus, and well, that wasn't at all what I expected, that game wasn't exactly Final Fantasy standards. Hmmmm maybe I will give Crisis a shot.... |
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I'd say that topic is unrelated. There, I argue that the PS3 is sucking butt over in Japan, which is fact and something some people refuse to comprehend; here, I am pointing out that a seperate company, Square Enix, is selling underwhelming but overhyped polymorphist excretions to an audience of zealous Cloud/Sephiroth yaoi buttmunches in a feeble attempt to wring more money out of the delapidated corpse of a once-successful franchise. The two could not be more dissimilar! |