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Forums / News / Who would have guessed; more Kingdom Hearts

Okay.....we all know that I'm a huge KH fan, but.....putting it on the PSP? Now....not to diss all you PSP owners and all, but to me, the whole PSP deal isn't exactly a good idea. I just don't consider it to be one of the top video game consoles out there. I say, keep it strictly on the PS2. No PS3 either, the next gen graphics would kill the look.
PS3, isn't even backwards compatible, right?
If most KH fangirls have their way, that Roxas/Axel game is going to have an M rating for sexual content.
I would be happy if it were just those two becasue if you check you'll see scary pairings.
I'm hoping for a Spoiler Warning! Highlight to read: [Bandaged Ansum x Oogie Boogie] game :D teehee!
i'm pretty psyched bout kh3 it looks awesome and i'm guessing it's the history of the keyblade
Well the PS3 is backwards compatible but it just makes the game look real real bad. haha. It's too bad that it probably is going on the portable. I think Nomura said in some interviews that it was gonna be for a portable.

Anyone see the new screens btw? Without his armor, Terra kinda looks like Zack from FFVII. Probably just me though.
Mmmmm... Oogie Boogie...
Alright, well with extreme courtesy from, I hear that Nomura and the KH staff are coming out with three new installments to the KH series.
1.)Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, which is going to be featured only on the PSP.
2.)Kingdom Hearts: Coded, which is a mobile game for phones.
3.)Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days, is a co-operative nintendo DS game.

Birth by sleep sounds intersting, and the Nintendo DS games as well, but I think their just wasting their time with the mobile thingy.
Did anybody else see this coming when that Game Boy game came out? Chain of Angsty I-thought-I-already-played-this-itude?
I like KH, but they need to end the plot of Sora (in a fashion I find satisfying). I enjoyed it a lot, but I don't want it to run on forever like a bad tv show. I have no objections to prequels, following other points of view, or "events that take place far in the future". Well, so long as they can keep it fresh.
As long as I dont have to keep playing trough Disney movies Ive already watched, that made the previous games waay too boring.
Yup. I totally got turned off when i had to do the worlds over again in KHII
i still haven't beat kh2 cuase i'm trying to level all my forms up hey did anyone else get final form? cuase i got it during the hades cup thingy and my sis said she got it from rikku
I didn't really get further than the hour long "intro." I mean to eventually, though..
It was more like 4 hours long, really
Get the Final Form from Riku? I don't know about that. I just got mine when I was just going around fighting. I think I got a level up on my Master Form, and then I got the Final Form.

The Disney Worlds are their just to make the game so much longer. Yes, they are extremely boring! I'm just glad that in KH2, they decided not to make Atlantica an actual playable world. God knows, how much I hate the swimming and fighting thing!!
The game, truly dosen't get good until close to the end, but it's that way for every game!
yea my sister told me that rikku gave it to her before she went in for the final boss fight i only found out bout final form cuase of the hades cup stuff
You actually get it at random. Every time you use master form (I think) you get a point that raises your chances up to get final form. Points go back to zero everytime you turn into Anti-form.
oh really? thats weird. thats why i loved the game cuase of anti-form! man running around like a special needs kid and hitting anything that comes ur way is awesome!
Haha, I love the Anti-Form, but for some weird reason, I seem to always turn into Anti-Form, when I'm about to level up on another form. So, because I turn Anti-Form, I have to wait until my drive Meter goes all the way up, just to level up! lol

Tell me, if anyone knows that the Anti-Form somehow triggered by something? Or is it just completely random?
i think it's random or i can't remember i think it's triggered by something i don't remember it could be out of randomness
from what i read, its pretty much random. lol. although i saw this video of this guy that can use antiform anytime, but thats cause he used this gameshark thing.
Yeah, I've seen a bunch of the codes and stuff due to an AR Max, but from what I know the Anti Form is all random. I thought it could have been triggered if you used your Drive bar in a pinch, but it dosen't seem to work that way.
I remember when I used to be able to play games and get all the optional shit. Like the goddamn gold chocobo. Man.
Haha, I tend to beat the game on, trying not to level up more than the recommended level, and then finnaly go back and get all the optional stuff after I've beaten the main story.
Although, when it came to Sephiroth on KH2, I had to level up to about level 72 before finnaly beating him. It still took me fucking forever, but now that I've got the experience and I'm on level 99, I'm sure I can handle him.
The chance of anti-form occuring increases each time you use Drive. The counter is reset to 0 halfway through the story after events at Hollow Bastion. After that, the only way to decrease the chance of Anti-Form is to gain and use Final Form.
sephiroth i beat him........ but it took like two months stupid sephiroth but atleast you get FinRir... and you know what i always thought Fenrir was Fenir anyone else think that?
lol..No..i mean. Kingdom Hearts is a particular game, not every Rpg has this combat style. Anti form is very powerfull...but we are really beat up if u dont manage to attack the enemy faster =P
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