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Forums / OJ Did it?

Well according to him yes. Apparently his book is actually going to or is already out. He changed the original title from something close to If I did it, here's how to "I Did It". And now he's arrested again. Thoughts?
That's not true. The new title is "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer" and it's not presented as a factual book. The premise of it being a hypothetical is unchanged. Artificial and flimsy? Yes. But a confession or admission of guilt it is NOT.
And, O.J. Simpson is under arrest for an entirely different (and more recent) set of circumstances... I'm sure you could Google the 'news' regarding the recent arrests.

As for the book, I think it's in poor taste, and I hope (if it actually does go through this time) that the Goldman's get every (bloody) red cent of profit earned by the book's sales...
oh ya, i know that he got arrested for something different this time. Just saying that he got arrested again. lol. Thanx for the correction Serris.
"I did not write this book! But if I were to write it... this is how it would go...."
In 2004 DirectTV successfully sued him for pirating satellite TV. As if he doesn't have the fucking money for it.
Well, IIRC he was found guilty in civil court and ordered to pay a large amount in damages. So he might not have as much money as we think =\
Satellite TV, though? That or Cable is almost a given nowadays. He's just a scumbag.
Of course he is, he's one of those Hollywood types. That's how he got off -- all those fuckfaces do.
indeed. I just really hate him cause he got away with murder. Anyone see that movie that was about him? It showed all the tactics his lawyers used to win the case. OJ tried to prevent the movie from coming out. I forgot what it was called.
I'm confused, is this a thread about orange juice?
Don't know where you guys are getting your facts from, but don't I don't believe it.
You know, there's a saying......"innocent until proven guilty."

OJ was found innocent, whether he did it or not! So fuck the Goldmans for all their shit.
Do you know how many people's son's and daughters get murdered daily? And almost every fucking time, the victim's family will forgive the actual murderer for doing it! But the Goldman's could care less! Their simply out for revenge, and yeah I hate every bit of it. OJ was found innocent, and it wasn't a race thing because he wasn't tried by a all black jury or anything like that. He's innocent when it comes to the murder of the Goldmans, but this whole new thing about the theft and all.....fuck that.
More than likely he did do it, and if he did I hope he does the deserved time. But get over the Goldman's and their huge personal vendetta to put an innocent black man behind bars.
I think the problem with your logic is that not everyone believes the justice system is 100% valid or that a jury of our peers has efficacy for dispensing justice. After all, the only way to prove O.J. guilty is is to do so without any reasonable doubt; otherwise he's innocent.

Note that this is courtroom innocence and not cogent, 100% true innocence. Reasonable doubt acquits innocent people from charges they did not commit (for the most part), but it absolutely does not have the power to incriminate the guilty unless the evidence is overwhelming. As such, when a person is acquitted as OJ and countless other Hollywood types are again and again and again, people speculate on their supposed courtroom innocence.
nice matt.
OJ didn't do it... y'all just racist.
If I were him I would want my shit back too
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