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Forums / Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children / Discussing The Remake.

As if this hasn't already been drilled to death, I'm going to bring it into the forums. What we got today was this:

If you look, you can see the several more game cinemas remade with fantastic (I suppose you'd call them PC) graphics. Now, while we've received the fire scene and the water burial among other things, this is the first time to my recollection that we've seen a scene that was in fact not originally an FMV, but rather a closing scene in the game.

It looks quite nice, even, and they've done quite a bit of the remaking already, as far as I'm concerned. Sticking the visuals into a box and selling them--something I wouldn't put past Wada.
It might just be that AC begins with a quick recap of what happened in FFVII, showcasing Seph's madness (the JENOVA scene) and the last battle in the crater. They haven't "done quite a bit of remaking" -- it probably amounts to all of 10 minutes, and even then, this is extremely high quality CG in AC. They'd still need to remake the models to downgrade them for PS3 quality.
Yeah, I've read that the movie has to be accessable to those that have, and those that haven't played the game. I mean obviously it would be a lot more stupid to try if you haven't, but they've got to stick some stuff in. Plus all of us can simply gawk at the stuff we've seen; but fanicer!
I've been hearing that the 'Last Order' OVA is actually a huge recap of FFVII in anime form so those who want the full scoop on FFVII and don't want to play the game can watch the condensed plot on DVD before Advent Children. ..that's just what i've heard though, I could be misinformed
Even so, the OVA is only coming out with Advent Pieces as far as I can tell, so the movie would still need like a 10 minute 'this is what happened - last time on Final Fantasy VII...' type thing. (Insert that Dragonball Z guy with his 'next time on Dragonball Z' voice)
As far as I know Last Order is related to Crisis Core, which is a prequel to FFVII and tells the story of Zack's role in SOLDIER.
Jesus Final Fantasy *IS* like one of the most important things to happen in the history of, oh... EVERYTHING.
Gamespot wrote a thingy on this topic.

Yes, a thingy. Here's a link:
Look, it's 27 days until it comes out, can we not wait that long before we know everything about it!?!?
I mean, at the rate things are going the films not going to hold a single surprise!
it reallyc omes out in 27 days??? man oh man i'm out of the loop...
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