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Forums / News / New Final Fantasy IV DS scans

Does anyone know if they plan to remake V and VI too?
I don't think anything is officially planned as of now, but it seems logical that Square will potentially get around to re-releasing every classic FF on the DS. FFIII last year, FFIV this year... Maybe FFV in 2008? I'm personally frothing at the mouth for a DS incarnation of FFVI.
Yeah, I didn't buy the remakes for the advance. But I'm really looking forward to these games, I wonder what kind of extras they will include? O_o
OMG NEED PS3 REMAKE OF FFVI. I kid, though I wouldn't be opposed to it :D. I am a little worried with a remake of FFVI with any other graphics than that of the SNES, since the recent trend in SE sprite design irks me (happy/kiddy and obviously so).
A Final Fantasy VI remake in 3D is pure sacrilege. Fuck that shit.
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