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Forums / Final Fantasy VII / Why Was Ff7 So Groundbreaking?

P.S. If your pimp-hand is strong, but you lack the know-how, watch The Dao of Steve and soon you shall be too cool.
P.P.S. I trained my FFT Cloud to lv 99 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahairawk.
What is the name of Cloud's sword in Advent Children?
you know I'm getting a little tired of this. I came here because I wanted to do a tribute to one of my favorite RPGs and what do I get? Flamed at every turn. Not one of you has given me any encouragement. In fact I got slapped down by every single one of you. You don't like FF7, fine. Just get out of the damn thread. If all you want to do is piss on my questions, if this is just shits and giggles to you, then you all seriously need to get a fucking life.
See what you did, Bob? You upset Sefiros. Now he will probably never come back again or click any more ads. Stop being such a dick and a weirdo.
There is nothing I can say that doesn't make me look like a whining bitch. But thanks Matt.
Matt said:
See what you did, Bob? You upset Sefiros. Now he will probably never come back again or click any more ads. Stop being such a dick and a weirdo.

You should see how bad I am in person!
oh all right. I'll not be a dick anymore. But you can't stop me from being me!
p.s. Sefiros, you should check out the websit that IS SQUAREHAVEN. For more info on FF7. Off course I liked FF7 tho.
Working Designs was a company that made its mark of localizing Japanese games that were thought of risky of localizing, due to the immense amount of cultural differences that probably wouldn't have appeaded to American audiences. Working Designs was known for laying the foundation for the importing and translation of Japanese games (*COUGH* Final Fantasy VII).

My question to you is this: what was so terribly Japanese about FFVII that made it a risk to import to America? How did it breach the cultural barriers, and how it made a place for itself in a market it was ordinarily shunned?
I, personally, like to think that one of the features that most genuinely guaranteed the success of Final Fantasy VII in America was the size of Tifa's breasts.

Last edited by Kanji on April 23, 2007

Hey, tis me again... I believe that FFVII was ground breaking because it had such original concepts and character designs. I think its a cool idea to make a website for FFVII:D
Kanji said:
I, personally, like to think that one of the features that most genuinely guaranteed the success of Final Fantasy VII in America was the size of Tifa's breasts.

I wrote an editorial for Square Haven in 1998 on that very same subject, coming to that very same conclusion. I was still hung up on FFVI at the time, and hated FFVII, so my logic was that the success of VII was simply tits.
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