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Forums / Soul Calibur IV

Should this be cause for excitement?

I really can't tell. SC has a reputation for being among the best fighters around, and the inclusion of Star Wars is kind of intriguing, I guess. The whole thing seems kind of contrived, it's like their forcing it upon you: "YOU SHOULD BE PEEING YOUR PANTS RIGHT NOW!!!"

...I don't know, what do you think?
Looks pretty cool, it will be interesting to see how Vader's role will tie into the story.
I was gonna buy it anyways, so yeah, even more excited now. I think I'll get the PS3 version :D

And the Star Wars wont have any story ties, I can guarantee you that (come on now)
Why not, in SC2 Link, Heihachi, and Spawn all had back stories explaining why they were in the game.
A little blurb full of bullshit? Yeah that doesnt mean that it enters Soul Caliburs official storyline
Yeah, but it doesn't mean it doesn't.
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