It started when yound einixis found a shining crystal lying on a beach side. Curious about it, he picked up the crystal and he go straight right back home to Ivalice, a small town on the southern part of Neuzea a small land in the oasis desert like land of Creonza. He got stright up to the house of the town sorcerer Ifrit and give the crystal he have found. On the other hand.... ( Hi everyone! Im ed, ak.a Einixis23, just want to say that I'm glad to be part of this, I become a huge fan of the games by square enix. I noticed that enix is somewhat similar to myt nick name , but it does not matter, I'm enjoying ny name anyaways. I have finished the game chain of memories, and I really really like the way Ms. Utada hikaru san the ending song right there. Itis so beautiful, please, give her my thanks fo singing that song.) |