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Forums / Xbox 360 Or Ps3

xbox 360 personally, just because i am a die hard xbox fan. I just wish that se would at least start with xbox. Also i like how much better the graphics have been between the two businesses... and halo of course
xbox 360 no doubt, the ps3 should have been old old news by now, not alot of people i know are too interested in the ps3, dont get me wrong, i will definatly buy one or two when it comes out, but not until i have 4 xbox 360's
Even though mistwalker is developing for X360, I don't see very much RPG support for the console, and it looks like Square-Enix isn't developing much beyond FFXI and that tech demo thing they showed for the X360...

I also can't play all my old PSone and PS2 games on an X360, and i kinda like the PS3's design more than the X360, so PS3 gets my vote.
Graphics are nice but at the end of the day it's the games that draw me to any console. I will be attempting to pick up both a PS3 and a Revolution, pending actually having any money. The 360 is about as useful for me as a used tampon.
ill pick all 3, theyre all rubbing my belly the right way for different reasons:
360: mistwalker, gears of war, whatever bioware does for them
ps3: backwards support, squenix, most 3rd party games
revolution: backwards support, downloadable games gallery, new smash bros, other nintendo franchises
PS3, because of backwards compatability, and squenix, and all the kickass robot games that Sony always manages to get. Giant Robots just give me this warm, fuzzy feeling inside...especially when they're blowing stuff up. (NOTE: While it's true MS will still have MachAssault, Sony will still have Armored Core, so there)
I'd wait until Mistwalker bring something out before saying they are a good reason to buy a console.
Well I agree with Nephtis on this one. It's an obvious fact that the video games influence which platform is best received and most purchased. On a side note, both platforms have a very sleek and modern look to which I approve of greatly. As far as performance is concerned, there is seemingly little that one offers that the other is unable to do with a moderate degree of similar replication. So how to make this decision?... well, as with most rivals, each has there own pros and cons. However, I must say I feel that Sony has left its PS2 users with a bad taste in their mouths.

I attribute this to two things, one being poor hardware reliability and two, backwards compatibility. I think if you have purchased the PS2, the average user needs very little elaboration as to the claim of terrible hardware reliability (pathetic DVD/CD drive/reader, cd tray problems, etc...) but the Backwards Compatibility deserves serious attention. Sure, this option looks all sweet and sugary on the outside (I'm assuming Hansel and Gretel felt the same way when looking upon the precious candy house that lovely Witch lived in. You remember the witch who tried to cook the children in her oven right?), but I am not convinced what backwards compatibility offers merits the loss of performance. In console development, as with most things in life, there is a principle of give and take. When Sony chose to make the PS2 to be backwards compatible, they sacrificed additional performance ability and “open-ended program ability” (meaning leaving room for future games to take advantage of additional performance). If you need an example, compare the early games on the PS1 with the later games. (i.e. Final Fantasy 7 vs. Chrono Cross). Granted that some of this advancement was due to technology released during the time, but the PS1 was a system that started with only a little... but gave the opportunity to build large. In comparing them now, to the modern day game player, these differences may seem quite insignificant- but at the time there was quite a noticeable improvement between the old and the new.

Although it would also be prudent to note that Hideo Kojima has commented that the PS3 will have very high performance expectations on their game producers which may also lead one to expect that the console doesn't lack in the performance department as it's predecessor did...

Ultimately, my primary concern with the PS3 is this:

If Sony has the ability (and if not, can at least choose) to properly balance the Backwards compatibility with the needed performance the PS3 will need to contend with the XBOX 360 in the long run... because nobody likes a deceiving witch.
but which console should hav better
graphics and games that hav better storylines??
thats my Q
does the new x box have backwards support?

hmmm... not like i can afford to get any of the new consoles when the come out... whenever thats going to be...
Xbox is icky, that's all i have to say
I pick PS3 but I really don't care which comes on top or which one I would buy first. What I do care is to put a mod chip inside a X-Box. After seeing my friend Jerry's modded X-Box, this has me totally hook.

Especially the arcade games (yes I know I can put them on my computers, but I want them on a X-Box, it feels so different playing them on a TV set.)

sony owns all gaming territory and always will its as simple as that and as soon as gates and the rest of the xbox camp admits it the better. nuff said >_<
SergeVR-4 said:
sony owns all gaming territory and always will its as simple as that and as soon as gates and the rest of the xbox camp admits it the better. nuff said >_<

wow, could you act any more immature about games if you tried?
Nephtis said:
The 360 is about as useful for me as a used tampon.

Gracious, man. What the hell do you do with your consoles!?
The Raging Spaniard said:
wow, could you act any more immature about games if you tried?

when i need ur opinion on my action i will give it to you have a nice day.
SergeVR-4 said:
when i need ur opinion on my action i will give it to you have a nice day.

Well, he was really giving his opinion on your thoughts, not action....unless you pantomime everything you think, behind the screen. And this place is a forum (astonishingly) for people's opinions and counter-opinions, so he's free to say whatever he likes.

With this in mind, you conclusions are ill-based. The only thing I could see driving such a statement is blind devotion.

Now, I own a Playstation 2. I will probably purchase a Playstation 3, and never own an X-Box. However, this does not negate the numbers. Sony, if anything, has been losing ground in the video game market to companies like Microsoft, and Nintendo has always been a strong contender. (

And, honestly, "all gaming territory"?

Sports? Nope, EA.

MMO and RTS? Nope, Blizzard.

Publication? So sorry, 1Up.

Things like these lead ME to the conclusion that you are most certainly full of it.

Yuna1881 said:
does the new x box have backwards support?

Yes and No. It will only be able to play 10 or so Xbox games, selected by Microsoft. Most likely the best sellers like Halo, and Halo 2.
This thread is a vapid vapidity of vapidness.
Ziyad said:
Gracious, man. What the hell do you do with your consoles!?

I use them to play video games. Now if someone offered me a used tampon to play my video games on I'd laugh at them and go back to my games.
Why Microsoft would choose backwards support for only 10 of their games confounds me. I mean sure, XBOX Live is a lovely cash cow, and adding support for previous, popular titles might retain customers... but other than convenience this support seems to me otherwise worthless. If thats exactly what this is for, than super duper, way to go Microsoft. But if your going to implement this option, why (and how???) would you do it for 10 games only? It seems to contradict the purpose of doing it in the first place. For people will still be required to switch between their first gen XBox for most games, but a select few will be played on the 360? Doesn't seem to much convenience in mind for the avid game player... speaking of moded xboxes, they're a beautiful thing.
I've been told that because Microsoft jumped ship to ATI, nVidia is pissed off and will not manufacture and more chipsets for the Xbox, can anyone verify this?
I would buy an X-Box 360 because I have never owned an X- Box.What would be the point of buying one now when the new one will be out soon? my boyfriend would kill me if I said PS3 although we will probably get both.
1 - it's relatively cheap compared to what 360 will be ($300? 400? 500?)
2 - you can't play Psychonauts, Star Wars KOTR, or Jade Empire on 360, which are all FEXCELLENT

If I were rich I would buy every gaming system. Since I am not I will probably buy the cheaper of the systems. Unless....unless.... there is a game that I really want for 360. Just like buying the game cube..... I love Zelda the new one will be awesome!!!!!!!! that is why I bought the game cube in the first place because of the up coming ZELDA. Plus I love Mario bros everything. So hmmm......that is a difficult decision I hope I make the right one.
i hope xbox just goes out of buisiness or something, im tired of them trying to stick their nose in just for the money,(now that they know people pay money for games, they made the xbox)-at least when playstation came out, the were taking a gamble with a (reletively)new technology right alongside nintendo.Xbox 360 is a joke.
But without Xbox there wouldn't have been the next-gen competition in the online sector. Microsoft is the one who pushed it and set the standard all next-gen consoles have to live up to if they want to be relevant.

And all companies are in it for the money.
Not to mention that if we didn't have them, then we wouldn't have gotten such a beautiful set of games like Halo & Halo 2, Mechassault (and it's sequel), Fable, Crimson Skies, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (and it's sequel), and a whole lot of other GREAT games...

Not to mention MUCH better versions of games (graphics-wise) than the OTHER consoles...

If it weren't for Microsoft, I wouldn't have my weekly Halo LAN... and that would be sad...
i realize all companies are in it for the money(primarily)but nintendo and sony at least have some principles/intrest in bringing the world something beutiful fantasy games.As for XBOX, i do not think they would still be around if it wasnt for halo,and the countless number of rip-off games they have is astounding(showing that they have no shame, just money-halo seems to be but a mistake turned brilliant)All i ask is for is some dignity,this seems like the second time america has tried to destroy japan's individuality.
man, iv got bad grammar skills
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