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Forums / Nintendo Revolution Controller...


So, comments? I'm still in the WTF?!?! moment to comment...

Where are the shoulder buttons? How will this be compatible w/ the SNES and 64 titles? (I don't see the 'shoulder' buttons on the new controller...)

Any ideas?

Nintendo likes to have their 'revolutionary' controllers for each system... and this is definately.... different...
that looks like it would be extremely annoying to use... just because it looks pretty... blah... I personally loved the N64 controllers I dont care what anyone says...
Check out this Eurogamer interview with Jim Merrick

My one objection for now is that using the controller to fly a plane or swing a sword would look kind of embarrassing. But I can't believe people are already complaining about the prospect of physical exertion.

Also, the console will have Gamecube controller ports, so they could be used for third-party developers who don't want to bother with the Revolution controller.
Well I think it looks like the most sexiest and confusing thing ever. Using two hands, the pointing, the tilting, the whole thing makes my brain hurt.
Thanks for the link Paul, I found this quote to be the most useful...

Eurogamer: How is the controller going to work with games that aren't designed specifically for the Revolution - multi-platform titles and so on?

Jim Merrick: We're producing a classic-style expansion controller, based on traditional designs like the Gamecube controller. It's like a shell with a hole in the top into which you slot the freehand-style controller, and then you can play third-party ported games, and retro Nintendo games you've downloaded.

So there's that option - but even while it's inserted into the classic-style shell, the freehand controller will still be able to sense positioning and so on, so there are more options too.

So, the remote controller, the nunchuck, and the "pretender shell"... we're going to need three different peices to make a whole controller? Hope they come together, or else it might get a little expensive to make a whole one... don't you think?
The only foreseeable problem with 3rd party "ports" relying on the Gamecube controller is the same as those that should be made to rely on a hard drive in ps2 or xbox 360: there's no guarantee that it's going to be there. So as a game developer, you design for the lowest common denominator. The solution to this problem is that Nintendo either include a Wavebird with every Revolution (doubtful) or the "classic shell" they mentioned that should allow the game remote control to function like a gamecube controller anyway. Either way, if they don't, the lowest common denominator situation happens, and Revolution ends up with little 3rd party ports (though the question is really whether that matters or not, as the Nintendo DS has tons of 3rd party support, little of which is a port of any kind).
i believe that the controller looks gay, and is a very stupid concept, i mean i would feel like im playing one of those extremely gay games on dish network

if u havent played one of them u are luckky

i believe that games should have a true two handed controller, not what ever the crap they want to call the thing u play the revolution on :angry:
i guess since the picture shows the controller having sex with another controller of the same gender that is why you are calling it gay?
cloudstrife09 said:
i believe that the controller looks gay, and is a very stupid concept, i mean i would feel like im playing one of those extremely gay games on dish network

if u havent played one of them u are luckky

i believe that games should have a true two handed controller, not what ever the crap they want to call the thing u play the revolution on :angry:

ur gay
I'm thinking that it'll end up as a pretty decent gimmick, and if it turns out to be the best thing since the original "D-pad" invention, then so be it... I don't personally think it'll catch on and replace the "standard" controller, but it will probably be one heck of a concept...

But still, first reactions to the controller still stand strong, ya know? "WTF?", mind you, once I actually get around to playing a game or two with it, then I'll make up my final decisions on the controller... but until then, I'll try to keep an open mind...

At least they haven't announced two different systems yet... The "real" system and the "core" systems... *sigh*
I saw this earlier, and it was interesting. I like Nintendo's innovation, and since I haven't seen it have sex with other controllers of the same gender I won't call it 'gay' until I see otherwise.

I'm open minded about controllers, mostly because until you seriously spend some time with one you can't really complain. Especially with one you've never actually tried before, like this one. I'll certainly give it a shot when it comes out here.
I think the concept of the controller is cool. If done well, it could allow games to be made for the Revolution that wouldn't even be doable otherwise, or it could be used to give another dimension of control to existing games. Also, I believe Nintendo said that developers can use as much or as little of the controller that they want, so it's not like they couldn't make "regular" games for it.

I'm sure Nintendo has a backup plan though, a regular controller that still works well or something, because the controller is one thing that Nintendo has always seemed to have a good understanding of, even with their lousier systems.
well, change was promised and change is what we got! Im extremely excited about this myself. The problem is that people bitch that theres no originality, that everything is the same and then, as soon as something truly awesome and thought provoking comes around.. people get skeptical! wtf!

If my understanding is correct, since the remote controller will also join up with a more traditional controller then that means that you can play.. lessay MGS 4 as well as on the ps3 but then you have more advantages, like using the remote control for better accuracy and wtf not. Calling it a gimmick is like calling the DS a gimmick... and if it is? well then youll always have the ps3 and the 360 for the same games youve been playing for the last 10 years with better graphics
The marketing campaign in Japan will focus mainly about how you can play the Nintendo Revolution with the new controller and masturbate to what's on screen with your free hand.
"Touching is good" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Yes, I pop in this place every now and then to crack myself up.
Christ. Do you know how much money Nintendo will make with this stupid thing? Somehow they've successfully managed to sell us a controller in 3-5 different parts and make absolute bankroll off of it. And you know what? We're going to buy it. With all of its stupid and perhaps even pornographic components. They're geniuses. Evil, evil geniuses who made the same game 8 times in a row across three platforms and got away with it.

A pox on Nintendo! Bah!
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