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Forums / Wii

I'm not familiar with Nintendo's exact marketing expenditure, but I think it's pretty high. At least it's high enough that they would realize that Wii is the fucking gayest name possible.

and they know its exactly what they need.

I love Wii
come on people they made sp and ds.. why not wii
why not have short letter combinations that dont symbolize anything?
I'm so getting wii... because there'll be a zelda on wii woo hoo.

Last edited by Yuna1881 on May 01, 2006

It makes no difference. To me it's no more ridiculous than "Gamecube". It'll wear off and we'll use it casually. The name isn't important as long as the hardware is up to par.
that, and you people apparently dont bother to read:

They wanted to emphasize playing with other people, hence "we", BUT, in order to make it a more universal word while keeping the phonetics the same AND realizing that the "i" ressembles the remote controller, they changed it to "Wii" . Plus, to "i"'s symbolizes two remotes, hence enhancing the "people playing games together" part
Marketing is for the masses. I'll play it if the games are good.
It doesn't matter if you or I, or perhaps even anyone on these forums for that matter, accepts this abhorrent new name Nintendo has cynically bestowed upon this console. We'll play it even if it is called "vagina." It's been stated that Wii is a console for everyone, but I think a major point is lost in that not everyone is going to even play something called "Wii," no matter how many Zeldas are developed for it. In fact, I would never, ever admit to any of my friends that I play something called Wii, even though I expect to be playing with my Wii all day every day.

This is an absurd development, borderline asinine.

Do you guys think it's a hoax?

Some pretentious "journalists" have attempted to debunk the hoax. The fact of the matter is that Nintendo has lied to us before, is lying to us now, and will continue to lie to us forever. They will undoubtedly lie to protect this brilliant marketing hoax, if that is indeed what it is...
How is it any worse than saying you play an XBOX 360? that name is utterly ridiculous. Try saying that shit in French or Spanish, sheeesh

Heres how its most probably gonna work out
-well, im off to play Nintendo
-ah, the new one, wtf was that name? we or some shit?
-yeah, whatever, is it any fun?


That and, an hoax? Most probably not, people would be confused and confusion = bad

Oh, btw, the vast mayority of the world has to idea about the wii relation to teh penis

Last edited by Xavi on May 01, 2006

"A lot of thought went into the name." - Vice President of Marketing for Nintendo America

I actually don't see the fuss, a name is a name, sure it has puerile connatations but will it affect the capabilities of the console? No it won't and that is all the matters to gamers. Heck, it won't detract from the sales in the asian region and possibly some of the european region since most of the people there won't even know what "wii" is. Also, what about the Frenchies? Mixing the name of a console with the word for yes is sure to confuse some kids.

The possibility of a hoax? Like the majority of the gaming community even cares, alot of people probably don't even know of the name change. It does seem a little suspicious that they announced it only a few weeks from E3 with hardly any fanfare, so we could have a suprise in store. Well, looks like we have to wait for E3 to find out.
If it is a hoax, Nintendo have completely outdone themselves by even getting Nintendo Australia in on it. Over here Nintendo may as well not exist, there's almost no marketing nor is there any real support. I'm suprised still that they even put anything up about the name.
well of course! the hoax would have to be embraced by the global corporation in order for this to work. I think it's feasable that they would go this far for a marketing ploy.

TRS, that's fine if that's the conversation you think would happen with YOUR friends, but don't be so naive to think that your own friends or your own world applies universally. In other words, stop acting like an American!
Myconversation would go more like this:

-well, im off to play Nintendo
-ah, the new one, wtf was that name? we or some shit?
mmm... maybe, but youll still play it!

wait wait wait, IM acting lie an ameriCan? If anything, leave it to Americans to go crazy over a name that implies cock in ENGLISH
Heh, he said "cock".
I think the point is missed... of course WE will play it. We are not casual gamers. My point is that Nintendo will have a hard time attracting a casual audience with a name like Wii. I know that if I was a Halo-playing frat boy I would never play something called Wii.

The name Wii in itself defeats its purpose as something everyone will play. Look at the gaming media right now. People are already standing off and deadlocking against this name, and this is just the hardcore gamers. If the hardcore gamers are flipping out, the casual gamers are going to laugh and/or ignore the system completely, just like they did to the gamecube.
but ... do we know that? I mean if we follow the logic that appealing more to hardcore gamers alienates the casual gamer (as the last generation has pretty much proved), then Nintendo is doing the right thing by alienating the hardcore gamer. I know, sounds weird but it makes sense to me :D

And yeah, Xbox fanboys would have a really hard time playing Nintendo, no matter if its called "wii" or "Nintendo Loves Bill Gates balls"
wait a second.... wii means cock?
It's not a hoax.

Further, the "mass audience" Nintendo wants to approach with Wii doesn't care about whether the name sounds silly. Plenty of brands sound silly. People will just wonder what "Wii" is and either get into it or not depending on what they see in relation to Wii.

Our fanboy ponderings go too far and given that we don't really know shit about marketing and Nintendo clearly does, it's best to just let them get on with it and see what they make of it.

So far, at least their goals are consistently clear with every move they make. As long as that message remains opaque to us, we can be sure they're making the right moves.
The name Wii beats Playstation and Gamecube anyday.

Anyway most of the gaming community has already accepted it. After the initial 'WTFs' most gamers don't really care anymore. Heck I want to see what this damn thing can do and that is pretty much the general consensus with gamers. Who gives a crap about the name when it offers something more than next-gen? The only ones complaining about it now are those who have nothing better to do, are just screaming for attention and just really need to grow up.

There are plenty of ridiculous sounding brand names in the world, like Rahul said. Wii is far from the worse. On the same note look at the PUBLICITY it has created. Did anything happen when X-box 360 or the Playstation 3 were named? No. The added publicity makes up for the wierdness of the name. Also at least Nintendo has put in an effort to make an original sounding name and I think it actually sounds rather sassy if you can bypass the immature connatations.
Looks like Iwata really did drop the bomb!

Man oh man does Red Steel look good and Zelda, just wow... But the big selling point a reckon would be that golf game. Golf... on a console... who would have thought of that! Genius I say, absolute genius.

Also I think the whole problem with the name alienating casual gamers is gone now considering it seems to be marketed to casual gamers and non gamers alike, especially with the sports games, like the tennis, ping pong and golf stuff. On top of that, I really doubt it will cost the exhorbatant amounts of money the PS3 and 360 cost which would be even a more selling point to casuals.

EDIT: Just watched the video of the 'Tennis' match... damn was that fucking awesome. I would have killed to be that guy. No joke.

Last edited by Quale on May 10, 2006

its a bad name for a bad console so no biggie.
either way ,the system has zero games i care about.
so wii is weak.
shaka said:
its a bad name for a bad console so no biggie.
either way ,the system has zero games i care about.
so wii is weak.

You have no interest in Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Fire Emblem, Sonic Wildfire, Red Steel, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Dragon Quest Swords, or any of the Virtual Console games?

I highly doubt you have zero interest. All Wii are saying is give peace a chance. ;)

Last edited by Bassguy on May 10, 2006

shaka said:
its a bad name for a bad console so no biggie.
either way ,the system has zero games i care about.
so wii is weak.

Wow, you have no taste, how sad
shaka said:
its a bad name for a bad console so no biggie.
either way ,the system has zero games i care about.
so wii is weak.

you know what? WII HAS NO INTEREST IN YOU!

Personally, I would like for Nintendo to boarden their target market and not cater to kids all time. I mean, cutesy games are fine and all, if you go that way (but they border on the nauseous. Tooth-decayingly sweet for the win!).

I want my Silent Hills and deep RPGs and hack 'n' slashers a la Diablo, and games such as Devil May Cry.

That said, looking forward to the WII and the games that are coming out for it. Well, some of them anyway.

Zelda for the win.
So you wanna be part of the 18-34 tool demographic?

Ash Mantle said:

Personally, I would like for Nintendo to boarden their target market and not cater to kids all time. I mean, cutesy games are fine and all, if you go that way (but they border on the nauseous. Tooth-decayingly sweet for the win!).

I want my Silent Hills and deep RPGs and hack 'n' slashers a la Diablo, and games such as Devil May Cry.

That said, looking forward to the WII and the games that are coming out for it. Well, some of them anyway.

Zelda for the win.

They have an exclusive Resident Evil title, and if you are going to have a sook after all this E3 goodness they've thrown around, you have no taste either.
Ash Mantle said:

Personally, I would like for Nintendo to boarden their target market and not cater to kids all time. I mean, cutesy games are fine and all, if you go that way (but they border on the nauseous. Tooth-decayingly sweet for the win!).

I want my Silent Hills and deep RPGs and hack 'n' slashers a la Diablo, and games such as Devil May Cry.

That said, looking forward to the WII and the games that are coming out for it. Well, some of them anyway.

Zelda for the win.

HOW COULD YOU RESIST THE SEXYNESS THAT IS WII TENNIS?!?!?! And not all the games are 'cutesy'. Red Steel isn't cutesy, neither is that new Metriod Prime.

Also Diablo a 'deep rpg'? That's a rather strange view...
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