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Forums / Odin Sphere


The kingdom of Valentine, once a powerful nation with a special relic known as the "Cauldron", reigned supreme over other kingdoms with its immense power. Then, suddenly, something went wrong. The enigmatic disaster destroyed the kingdom overnight.
Ringford (The Fairy Kingdom) and Ragnanival (The Warrior Kingdom) now fight a war to determine who has control over the Cauldron and the remains of the kingdom of Valentine.
In a neutral kingdom, Titania, King Edmund is being controlled by an antagonistic sorcerer known as Urzur. Urzur's intentions are clearly ill; he makes an attempt to make an ancient prophecy called Armageddon fulfill itself. The prophecy maintains that the world will be laid to waste in five cataclysmic events, but whomsoever survives will be renowned as a king.

Maybe that's not the best storyline in existence, but it certainly sounds promising. And if that's not enough, it's worth it to highlight the gorgeous look of the game. It features some very detailed sprites. Any individual screenshot below looks like a work of art with its own merits, ne?

This game is Odin Sphere, an upcoming action RPG from Atlus and Vanillaware. The game is a successor to Princess Crown, an obscure PSP gem that never received the gift of localization in the North America and Europe. Odin Sphere, however, is heading to English-speaking shores eventually. The release date for the US is May 21, 2007.

Don't know about the rest of you, but I've been eyeing this game for a while now (if only because of the absolutely delicious looking graphics). Action RPGs are right up my alley, too. Hearing news of a translation makes me extremely happy as well, so I can't wait to hear more information or see some gameplay videos of the game. It certainly shows promise at this point, but in the coming months we'll have to see if it lives up to the potential it's showing at the moment.

Last edited by Kanji on February 26, 2007

I'm certainly entranced by the visuals. The style really does seem to bleed 2 1/2 D and I have fond memories of Yoshi's Story. The character designs also look promising, and with Atlus doing the localization you know that it's going to be top-notch. And I'm not even biased.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to this, so I can play it on my...

..wait, shit. I don't own a PSP.
No worries... Odin Sphere is heading for the PS2. Princess Crown was released on the PSP, but it seems they've decided to place this RPG on another console (perhaps to boost the sales). I'd be pretty disappointed if this was going to be on the PSP, but I might've bought one just to play this game.
Bumpage. A new trailer has been released, apparently. I was only able to find a YouTube link. If anyone manages to get ahold of a higher quality version, please let me know. I'd be interested in seeing one.

Anyway, we get a closer look at the animation style with this trailer. Turns out that the motion is actually very fluid, which is right in line with my expectations for the game. It'd be pretty disappointing if such beautifully rendered sprites moved choppily or something like this.

Nuances of the music are also present, and I have to say that I enjoyed all of what I could hear. Hitoshi Sakimoto is credited as the composer, so I'm sure we'll hear some great stuff from the game. There's also a vocal theme that plays on the front page of the official site, if anyone's interesting in listening to that.

Now I'm most interested in seeing how they battle system is going to look, or parts of the gameplay itself. I'll be buying this solely for the graphics and music, but nifty gameplay will definitely seal the deal for me.
The animation in this game is just awesome and the battle system looks so much more fleshed out from the start than Princess Crown, looking forward to playing the game.
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