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So I was pretty disapointed.

Maybe I was expecting an ancient war movie without amorphous blob men, ninjas, or androgynous and well-pierced Persians kings. Maybe I was expecting something a little less mythological. And maybe, just maybe, I liked it through the first fight scene...

But then it got ridiculous and did not turn back.

Well, what can you do? This is Sparta.
C'mon, it was a GREAT movie, compared to what Holllywood usually pumps out; I mean, the competion was WIld Hogs!
And you should read the comic, the script follows it almost word for word.
Ziyad said:
So I was pretty disapointed.

Maybe I was expecting an ancient war movie without amorphous blob men, ninjas, or androgynous and well-pierced Persians kings. Maybe I was expecting something a little less mythological. And maybe, just maybe, I liked it through the first fight scene...

But then it got ridiculous and did not turn back.

Well, what can you do? This is Sparta.

Youre part of the problem
And you're obviously not a part of the solution.
Nope, I just do the whole "finger of blame" and all
I was amazed by this movie, I went in expecting it to be beautiful to look at but to lack story or plot or anything short of men screaming and fighting... what I got was just the opposite, the battles in this movie I enjoyed MORE than even the battles in Lord of the Rings... because for once we see some strategy, actual strategy used by the Romans (and probably the Greeks too) we see what battle is actually like, in waves, and with strategic group effort not one Aragorn killing millions of enemies because he is just that sexy. and the mythology added into it just made it that more amazing, because we weren't watching the literal events we were watching Faramir (I don't remember his name in 300 so he is Faramir always) telling his story which is where the mythological creatures etc come from.

it was beautiful, and it was sexy...


Last edited by Yuna1881 on March 12, 2007

psssst... Brie... They were in Greece. And their strategy is called a phalanx*from neck to thigh*. The mythology was cool, for sho'. When they get to the town with all the villagers nailed to a tree? Setting up for the eventual Immortal confrontation? SICK.
Except that they went down like pansies after being ambushed.
Ziyad said:
Except that they went down like pansies after being ambushed.

YEAH cause WHAT ELSE can you do after youre surrounded and vulnerable from all flanks? They did the smart thing which was, take a big risk and try to kill the King, forcing them to surrender or some shit.

Too bad they werent as manly as you, good sire, if youre gonna dislike a movie, at least give a good reason other than "this is not what I expected". I didnt expect "Zodiac" to be more like a documentary than a movie, but it was an excellent film regardless of how not into the plot I was
Bob said:
psssst... Brie... They were in Greece. And their strategy is called a phalanx*from neck to thigh*. The mythology was cool, for sho'. When they get to the town with all the villagers nailed to a tree? Setting up for the eventual Immortal confrontation? SICK.

I never said they weren't in Greece. I just know from watching the History channel Romans used that strategy, I wasn't going to just assume that Greeks used it too just because I didn't know. but either way the point was, realisticly that strategy does work with few against many. and just that fact alone, that it was realistic (as opposed to one Aragorn like soldier killing all these orc's by flailing about) made me love this movie's battle scenes more than battle scenes in any other film.

Last edited by Yuna1881 on March 14, 2007

I know!
I thought the graphic novel was decent and it inspired me to read the book "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield.

A quote from the book:
"I will tell His Majesty what a king is. A king does not abide within his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand at watch upon the wall. A king does not command his men's loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake. That which comprises the harshest burden, a king lifts first and sets down last. A king does not require service of those he leads but provides it to them. He serves them, not they him."

But I digress... MANTIES!
The Raging Spaniard said:
Ziyad said:
Except that they went down like pansies after being ambushed.

YEAH cause WHAT ELSE can you do after youre surrounded and vulnerable from all flanks? They did the smart thing which was, take a big risk and try to kill the King, forcing them to surrender or some shit.

The Immortals, not the Spartans.

Too bad they werent as manly as you, good sire, if youre gonna dislike a movie, at least give a good reason other than "this is not what I expected". I didnt expect "Zodiac" to be more like a documentary than a movie, but it was an excellent film regardless of how not into the plot I was

Me ipsum repono iterum iterumque ad infinitum ad infinitum.

Yeah, fuck plot.
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