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does anyone else want to talk about Harry Potter lore besides me? |
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There's lore?
I mean, from what I've read, the background is fairly superficial. |
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Yes, lore. Oodles of lore. I thought you read them?
Some of the mythology behind the series is titillating. |
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Alright, Matt. Shoot.
I mean, I haven't read the last two books or anything, but beyond that I'm sure I still have my unnecessarily large repertoire of Harry Potter knowledge somewhere in my head. |
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How is Sirius related to Harry Potter?
a. father
b. brother
c. godfather
d. dog
I got this question last night on Facebook's Flixster addon movies quiz, and I got it right without even knowing shit about Harry Potter!!! |
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Actually, the answer to that question is both C and D. |
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Hell no. He's Harry's godfather, not his dog. He may at one point have BEEN a dog, but that doesn't make him HARRY's dog. |
vip |
He is his "dawg, yo" if you can understand the parlance of our 'peers'
Halfway-thru book seven. Severus is STILL my fave character. 'Cept for Luna, o' course. |
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Dude it was a dog he found in the middle of nowhere that had nothing to do with him in the first place, and happened to turn out to be his godfather. Your allegations are inconclusive, sir.
As for the Facebook quiz: the correct answer there was godfather, not "godfather and dog". |
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Okay, let me try now:
A Chinese Fireball is:
A. A vicious venereal disease exclusive to wizard-kind
B. A conflagration whose magic words hail from the Orient
C. A species of dragon hailing from the Orient
D. What I ate last night |
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Completely C. No question.
The venereal disease is a Thai Fireball. |
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Over here, Chinese Fireballs are a type of candy that is really spicy, so E: My answer |
vip |
I'll talk of Harry Potter lore... or just post up horribly embarrassing pictures of myself:
 Last edited by yuna1881 on October 06, 2007 |
vip |
I also made homemade butterbeer and pumpkin pasties:
That food looks really good mmmmmmm |
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these pictures are so fsexy |
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I know someone that attmepted to make butterbeer by mixing butter and beer. It ended in failure. Disgusting Failure. |
vip |
hahaha. I looked up recipes, all I mixed was cream soda and butterscotch schnapps. it was really good actually but very very sweet. |
OMG I love cream soda! I have a empty 2 liter next to me right now. Though, I don't drink, so I will never make use of the recipe =\ |
vip |
you can also use butterscotch flavoring instead of schnapps. |
I will have to do it for Thanksgiving. That's so awesome. |
I once made a drink with a stick of butter, a stick of dynamite, and a live scorpion. It was the best drink ever. |
vip |
nice. |
vip |
the greatest day in your life involves a dead fictional character's sexuality? |
vip |
of course |
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I like her response to the question.
Fan: "Will Dumbledore ever find true love?"
Rowling: "Dumbledore is a queer."
Implication: Ridiculous! Gays can't be in love!!! |
vip |
HAHAHA Matt you are the best! |
Rowling is a homophobe! i knew it! THAT'S why Spoiler Warning! Highlight to read: [dumbledore died!]
i dunno if i needed a spoiler quote there. it seems like the cat is out of the bag at this point. |
vip |
Dumbledore is like Jesus... or wait, I think Harry was supposed to be like Jesus... maybe Dumbledore was the gay lover of Jesus... |