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Forums / Internet Radio's day of silence.

Apparently today is the day that most, if not all, online radios are having a day of silence. Protesting against

The idea is to focus attention on a startlingly sharp increase--in many cases, more than double the current rates-- in the royalty payments that the Librarian of Congress and the Copyright Royalty Board have decided web radio stations must pay to artists and record labels for the right to play their tunes.

that. Anyone hear about this?

Here's the rest of the article.
This is downright frightening, actually.

I still occasionally use Pandora, which has been significantly useful for me in finding new music.

As far as I'm concerned, this is an outlet of censorship: the government's methods of restriction are financial, and any "moral" discussions on copyright issues can be considered moot by the fact that applying this legislation will kill institutions which represent a free dissemination of music.
if online radios get charged, should offline actual radios be charged too??
just goes to show that the government sucks. I hope this doesn't get passed though.

Last edited by straywolf89 on June 27, 2007

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