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staff |
Awesome work, as expected. I especially like the first of the "old" pictures. |
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ahh, beautiful work as always Xavi... the first one posted is just wonderfully awesome, its very dark, and not like most of your other work so it really stands out in a way, at least, to me it does. my lordy what uber talent and hard ass work can do for a spaniard! |
Awesome job! I love the first two a lot. The second one is great original creature! Your talent is very well appreciated bud. |
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awesome work, as usual :)
Nothing new art wise on my end (except for animation and stuff like that), new trailer due out April 30th :D
I like the first of the old pics TRS, I like the guy on the bottom left with the flower pot on his turban and the mouse running with cheese....I love cheese!
Good to see everyone btw :) |
Love the one with focus on the hands, and the jawless one Steve. Great job! Actually I'm quite surprised to see you here! :P
Nice to see everyone as well LC! |
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CSDreamer said:
Love the one with focus on the hands, and the jawless one Steve. Great job! Actually I'm quite surprised to see you here!
And yes, me too. |
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hmmm.....there was supposed to be two images here, but they won't show up (damn angelfire) and i can't directly post them..... |
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LittleCactaur said:
hmmm.....there was supposed to be two images here, but they won't show up (damn angelfire) and i can't directly post them.....
get photobucket or something similar, free image hosting...
by the way STEVE! you art is sex, I love the colors of the mouse, it really stands out, and of course, like everyone else the hands :wub: |
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this is what i've been up to....and yes, i AM having fun :)
I dont see a section for this so im doing it here.
Ill be posting tags from time to time in here for comments, i feel into a slump lately and need alot of C&C.
1st one:
Rather simple.
EDIT: Moved into the Pictures topic as TRS suggested ~ Rachel |
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oh come on you tard, put them in the PICTURES TOPIC IN GENERAL CHAT, thats what its there for! |
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I dont see a section for this so im doing it here.
Ill be posting tags from time to time in here for comments, i feel into a slump lately and need alot of C&C.
1st one:

Rather simple.
EDIT: Moved into the Pictures topic as TRS suggested ~ Rachel
It's nothing I haven't seen before. Theres nothing that really seperates you from all of the others who've downloaded Paint Shop Pro/Photoshop. Composition is disjointed, the sprite gets a little lost underneath the brushes (?), practice makes perfect, though. |
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i make art with world of warcraft
Haven't been doing a lot lately but here's the latest:
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Holymage said:
Haven't been doing a lot lately but here's the latest:

Very nice. Nicely rendered too. The perspective bothers me slightly, but it seems to be rooted within the style. Very illustrious.
Here's my latest. I apologize for the size. (EDIT: sized it down)
Holy crap that's enormous. I like the way you use the brushstrokes though, it makes it look kind of sculptural, especially on the light areas. |
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Holymage said:
Holy crap that's enormous. I like the way you use the brushstrokes though, it makes it look kind of sculptural, especially on the light areas.
Thanks. :)
I really like how this turned out. I also forgot to add an explanation of the work...
My concentration for my AP Portfolio is nightmares. Basically, the disgusting and unfamiliar traits that make nightmares uncomfortable. The inability to decipher aspects of one's physical appearance and the distortion of that which would otherwise be familiar. Nightmares are usually fear of the unknown. They all have deeper meanings, but they aren't necessarily apparent unless you dig deeper. Regardless, the unsettling thing about dreams is, like I stated, how you see something, you recognize it, but you ultimately don't. Blurred faces, distorted features, etc. It's also, in a way, commentary on society. People usually become irrationally afraid of what they do not understand, and label it with dark intent.
EDIT: Here's another one. I just finished this a few minutes ago.
crimsonhead said:
EDIT: Here's another one. I just finished this a few minutes ago.
Excellent work. I found myself just looking at for while. The composition is really good, you've got these strong verticals and the figure is just slanted enough to go against it. The overall dark key makes the subtle lights on the face really effective. I think it fits your theme very well. |
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woah....i knew you guys were totally going to dwarf my crappy stick figure art, but DAAAAAAAMN......I think i found some new walpaper (thnx Steve :))
Maybe I'll scan some of my REAL drawings and post em....hmmm..... |
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Thanks for the comments. :D The red face is probably my favorite piece out of the 6 pieces I've finished this week. I did a third digital piece before I turned in last night. I feel it needs a bit more, though, so I'm going to get on that in a bit.
EDIT: HM - just checked out your devart page. Really awesome stuff. The more I look at it, the more I dig Griffin Reposed. SUPERJEANS |
You're making me blush :) |
Damn yall are good all i can draw is swords and armor and stuff like that. Great job on your pictures.
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my first photoshop attempt :
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CH, your art really reminds me of Francis Bacon. Which is a good thing. If you don't know his stuff, you should check it out. |
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Phoenix Down said:
CH, your art really reminds me of Francis Bacon. Which is a good thing. If you don't know his stuff, you should check it out.
I now have a new idol. Thanks for giving me the heads up. :) I'll have to check his site out more at school/over the weekend.
Nice hearing from you by the way. I oft wonder where you scamper off to. |
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well shit... xavi you know your awesome... what else can i say? |