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Forums / News / Rare: sold, slapped, and kicked in the ass on the way out the door

Good riddance?

Rare pretty much revived Donkey Kong's status.

Then you have Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

Blast Corps is unique. What about Jet Force Gemini?

Although you might not respect Diddy Kong Racing or the Banjo games as much, they are good games.

Conker's Bad Fur Day... hey's it's the "mature" game Nintendo wanted for the N64, right?

1.5% of revenues is a good thing considering Rare didn't make any games in 2001 and 2002. Right? At least nothing that can be considered a killer app.
Well, the 1.5% is mostly Conker, I assume, since it's the only Rare release for all of 2001. I'm also not too sure that this is such a loss. I mean, yes, it's a loss on Nintendo's part and I think that Nintendo's belief that they don't need Rare any more is stupid and foolish. But I, personally, haven't been imprressed with a Rare title for years and I'm not going to miss them too much.

I'm beginning to question some of Nintendo's business decisions and business ethics. Was the company better of with Yamauchi??
And another thing... for Nintendo to just treat Rare like some aging whore, for all of the loyalty and support Rare has given over the years, is just pitiful. I'm surprised how quickly Nintendo's head is getting. I mean, has Nintendo completely fucking forgotten that Rare singlehandedly plummeted the SNES into victory with Donkey Kong Country? Has Nintendo completely forgotten that Rare was the savior of the N64?

The level of ignorance on Nintendo's part is astounding. This is just complete and total asinine on their part...
I suppose the sales numbers don't lie. But I doubt Yamauchi, the stubborn curmudgeon he (used to be), would ever have ever let Rare fall into the hands of the WHITE DEVIL.
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