March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Nintendo will cut royalty fees but still appear to be cheap douschebags

"The cost of releasing games for Gamecube is now roughly equal to that of any other console"

YOU MEAN THEY'VE BEEN ASKING A PREMIUM UP UNTIL NOW?!?!! Jesus H. Christ - Here I am worrying that one of my favorite child hood companies is being victimized by Microsoft and Sony, when in fact the necessary "flood of crap" games that have made Sony and Microsoft so popular never came to the Gamecube simply because they had a jacked up price.
We should never feel sympathetic toward Nintendo - they are perfectly capable of being corporate iron-fisted bullies and commiting heartless consumer cash-ins.
Those fuckers :
Relax, Nintendo of America said they will respond to any aggressive price cuts by their competitors but not start them. The XBox cuts are Europe-only at the moment but will be moving to the States next month, and that's when Nintendo is expected to do something. Whether it'll affect NoE as well, is unknown, but at least it's something (NoA doesn't have the "fear of Zelda" excuse).
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