March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Rejoice! Bakusou! Yankee Tamashii demo now available

Downloaded, installed, and I can't figure it out, got to the login prompt and it just reboots everytime I try to login - not sure where to "register" for a user name.
Bakusou Yankee Damashii isnt it not Tamashii?

Anyways Ive signed up for it and all. Just waiting for me confirmation of play.

I'd recommend you copy and paste the whole sign up sheet into something like babelfish. THat well youll know what goes where. I had a problem inputting city and address for some reason. It wouldnt take non-kanji so i finally just copied the Kanji before the input boxes and it went through and i got my email confirming my ID. Now it depends on the second confirmation and then I still don't know where to input the password and all.
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