March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Nintendo spends $100M to figure out its target audience

I'm in highschool. No time for that stuff. And if FF7 or FFT don't exist on gamecube, it don't exist too me.HINT HINT.
i.e. you're just a high school kid with no money?

Get a job, buddy.
I don't have my permit. I can only get it after Christmas.
Minor aged Idiot.
he a lil babieeeee!! how cute, its weird though, I thought highschoolers without jobs had like massive time on their hands, I did... and I even had a job...
Permit? For what?! You need a permit to work these days?
What kind of shitty country is this "US" anyway!
I am not sure but I think he meant drivers permit.
Jump! Cut! Slash! "BURP! Excuse me."(training session)
Doesn't anyone feel sorry for Nintendo? They did all the hard work, for years their games were top of the line, and now, no one cares. Their sales are low, why? Its hard to say, perhaps things like Microsoft buying out Rare had something to do with it. Rare made some of the most awesome games, Donkey Kong, Conker's Bad Fur day, etc.
Damn Microsoft, what will they buy next? All they need to do is merge with EA, buy Nintendo and there will be little left...
Nintendo has gotten what they deserve. manipulating publishers and borderline-unethical iron-fisted business practices don't warrant my sympathy.
Matt, you're gonna have to tell me what these practices are. I haven't heard these sorts of things before. Do tell.
Nintendo pretty much forced game publishers to bend to their will as a result of the monopolistic domination of the NES and ogopolistic rule of the SNES -- it's no wonder that 95% of the games industry flooded the PlayStation market.
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