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Forums / News / Grand Theft Auto instigates lawsuit against Sony, Take-Two, Wal-Mart

Look, it's sad that this happened, but the fact that they're blaming video games is getting annoying... The kids are guilty of their actions, may they see trial as adults...

And where the hell do you go around shooting tractor trailers in the game? I don't recall it...
Thats BULL SHIT, blame the kids that shot shit stupid fuckers!!!
The parents have to point their fingers at somebody. This whole "Lets go shoot some babies and blame it on video games" shit is so old and overused now that it really doesnt shock me anymore when I hear about it.
as a teen i can honestly say this is getting REALLY old! we got a couple dumb asses shooting crap up and messin tyhing s up for us REAL gamers! P.S. parents take respnsibilty for your damn kids and stop blaming games (damn hics)
Remember, video games don't kill people, people do.

HIC-UP! Excuse me.
And bad parents who can't control their kids blame it on videogames.
I can't even believe shit like this. These people just don't have a clue do they? A lot of this really does lead back to parents and upbringing. Really, is the game brainwashing kids to kill, or destroy? They were 16 and 14, and by that age anyone should have a strong feel for what is right or wrong. Because in a fictional game you shoot and kill people, does that have any justification on what you can do in the real world? Of course not. They knew what they were doing, and knew it was wrong whether or not it was in GTA. I agree 100% with Douglas Lowenstein: "blaming a game played by millions for the boys' actions was misguided and counterproductive." A lousy excuse to rationalize what they did. The world is influenced by so much in both positive and negative ways. There are so many movies that are so much worse then GTA, that could influence criminal behavior but it never sucomes to an accuasation to a movie influencing things like this. Yet it's tottaly different with a video game. Video games are different than movies. They do make kids want to kill and destroy because video games make them do so yet any other media does not. It's the games fault now just as much as it is the criminals. How is this? Another qoute just to back my point even more: "While video games may provide a simple excuse for the teenagers involved in this incident, responsibility for violent acts belongs to those who commit them."

Simply enough, don't blame the video games, it is the ones that commit the unlawful act that are truely at fault.
........good point but dont ya think that was kinda long?
i'm not defending the kids, but they were obviously inspired by a video game to shoot at cars. yes, it's true that it was irresponsible of wal-mart to sell the game to minors. yes, it's true that their parents failed to sheild them from such a game. the fact of the matter, however, is this: if Grand Theft Auto III were never made, the victim would still be alive. Yeah, sure, those kids would still be ignorant little brats with irresponsible, incompitent parents, but those girls wouldn't have been shot at, would they? The family of the victims have every right to file this suit.
well of course its a shame, and if you have to blame something, the game is the easy target, matt. But fact of the matter is, its not the parents fault, its not the game's fault...its not ONE THING, its a freak accident basically, comitted because of a variety of reasons. Not saying this is normal, but its the exception, the wildcard that is (regrettably) going to keep on happening every now and then. The solution? Better education, really.
Yeah I guess I do agree with you though matt. I can't just say that GTA: III had nothing at all to do with the crime.

AndI don't really know how you can view it like that TRS. A freak accident? Not the parents fault? And education is the solution? That's what your parents are for TRS. Your school does not have classes on behavior or rights and wrongs. The ones who teach you that are your parents. Thats where that sort of education comes from.

Quite a lot of things would contribute to this incident. You can't just point a finger at one side. It's the parents, no education, nope it's the game! No, it's accually a combination of some to all of them.

That's why I must say I believe it is the ignorance and major responsibility of the kids, yet I also must say that Wal-Mart was wrong to sell Mature games to minors. Now we aren't sure how well they were raised or taught by their parents but they would also be accusable for part of the incident.

chaoscrippler: WTF? Are you dumb? That's what I had to say. I could care less how f*cking long or short it is, because that's what I had to say. Sorry does it hurt your mind to read a little?
The reasons are manifold. There is no one person to accuse.
Wow. I'm speachless.
I am in high school. I know that if a teenager shoots his peers, Video games are not the reason. That teen already has the Idea of shooting someone, But the mass violence makes them think that it isn't bad or is the best way to get revenge. Most the time it's those kinds of people who have no friends... or not.
*note to spike* dude, thats just what i said, why you assume i meant school when i said education? and its a freak accident because is something that is not normal, where there no game, the teens would have done the same thing, the game, the society, the teenagerism...those are all just scapegoats for a disturbed mind (or something)
Hmm... not sure why I thought that... oh well.
Oh, now I know. It's because you said it wasn't the parents fault. Then you said the answer was education. I simply explained that the education does come from the parents so it was partially the parents fault. Now you're telling me that's what you just said.
Cause it wasn't.
manipulating my words eh? nice. In case you didnt notice, when i said it wasnt the oarents fault, i also said it wasnt the games fault, i was being BROAD, better education is also a broad statement, it comes from having the right friends, the right parents and the right teachings at schools, cause im not speaking in specific terms, in tackling the matter in an overall sense. you get it or you need me to send you a video or somethin'?
video's kick ass
A video would be nice. Your horrible spelling and punctuation makes it a damn hard time to understand what the hell you're saying. You really can't blame me if I misunderstand you.
blah blah blah blah, cant come up with another argument, thus you talk shit about my english, sure thing buddy
Oh, but I'm sure I could. Easy, you're whole line of being broad and specific was the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. Even if that's what you really meant, how am I suppose to know? You still cease to form proper sentances. I'm dead serious when I say I have no clue what the hell you were trying to say in your 2nd and 3rd posts.

You're just making yourself look like an idiot. Sure I'll pick on your spelling, punctuation, and grammer because it's an easy target. Without it I might have a clue to what you're talking about and then there would be no misscommunication.

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I was simply pointing out that I couldn't understand what you were trying to explain to me.
This sucks balls. Because of this stupid lawsuit, Wal-Mart might stop selling violent games.
Wow spike. Your not all that bad are you.
Hey, fuck you!

(I'm just joking.)
So, still dont get it? Damn, well ill take some blame then if didnt explain myself in all correctness (after all, this isnt my first language). My point of view in this whole shit is that GTA is not to blame, games are not to blame, school is not to blame, noting specific is to blame, is all a mixture of this and that. Maybe the kid got kicked in the head when he was little and grew a little crazy, maybe he did watch too many violent movies and played gta on top of that, maybe he got beat up by assholes in school, etc, etc. Its all that put together that might create a conflicted individual. Something specific might trigger a reaction, thats true, but I dont believe that is the biggest issue (its not what triggers it, its what loads it). So those are my thoughts on that. About you Spike, its kinda weird that you got so defensive about my opinion (or lack of one, as you might have thought) and then started bashing my persona...seems like you want to be right all the time and point and laugh at the ones that arent...but its probably not the case (think of it as your interpretation of my words, which was not quite accurate).
Oh well, Im done with this topic, think what you will, bu bye.
Hey, I figured you meant something like that but like I said (for about the 5th time!) I couldn't understand you because of your writing.

I wasn't bashing you, and definatly not pointing and laughing at you. I really wasn't trying to start an arguement either. I was just saying that I couldn't understand you.

Really you're the one on defense. I was never trying to start anything with you and you immediatly thought that I was starting an a "who's more preponderant" battle with you. I was just pointing out the obvious and letting you know that your response was unclear is all. When you took up defense I did as well, and it formed into a quarrel.

Really, don't think everyone's out to pick a fight with you just because they're being blunt.

Anyways, I'm tired of this as I see you are. It's good that you ended it soon because it could truely have gone on forever.

To keep on a good note I'll admit I'm sorry for testing you and that you were correct with your statement. It was indeed what I had said.
Hey, I figured you meant something like that but like I said (for about the 5th time!) I couldn't understand you because of your writing.

I wasn't bashing you, and definatly not pointing and laughing at you. I really wasn't trying to start an arguement either. I was just saying that I couldn't understand you.

Really you're the one on defense. I was never trying to start anything with you and you immediatly thought that I was starting an a "who's more preponderant" battle with you. I was just pointing out the obvious and letting you know that your response was unclear is all. When you took up defense I did as well, and it formed into a quarrel.

Really, don't think everyone's out to pick a fight with you just because they're being blunt.

Anyways, I'm tired of this as I see you are. It's good that you ended it soon because it could truely have gone on forever.

To keep on a good note I'll admit I'm sorry for testing you and that you were correct with your statement. It was indeed what I had said.
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