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Forums / News / Final Fantasy X-2 not fucked up for Europe

Quikly shall ye judgement come brothers!
I dount see why evry one hayts ffx-2 it wusnt that bad cumon now you know you mayd them chang cloths just for the hell of it.
FFX-2 is pretty cool but you can't be Wakka.
that totaly sucks
I havent played it much since my cousin is browing it but the bliz ball suckes you cant play your characters and all you see is a bunch of arrows goin around a field .
I don't have ffx-2 yet but it lokes cool
I have ffx. it is amazing. I haven't beat it yet though. I am really close though. FFX-2 better have more than Yna and Rikku. they should have more older characters like Wakka and Kimahri
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