March 28, 2008, Square Haven has ceased updates indefinitely. What you see below is an archived version.

Forums / News / Additionally, Square Enix also unveils new mobile phone line-up

It looks like Beyond Crisis is merely a 3d model of Cloud that you can rotate around and otherwise mess with, according to details of the Square Enix USA press release that I conveniently missed earlier.
Oh, except I still can't read:
Visitors at the SQUARE ENIX booth will be in for a surprise to see the latest development from SQUARE ENIX MOBILE: BEFORE CRISIS ? FINAL FANTASY VII. The trailer will be premiering at E3, providing an exclusive look at a game that could possibly take mobile entertainment to a whole new level.
i love the Hikari or a.k.a Come and clean be they talk about downloads (of the song) to mp3 but ipods also????
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