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Dragon Quest IX

Square Enix
Traditional RPG
Dragon Quest
  • TBA 2008
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Logical Controversy: Nintendo DS Exclusivity & Action RPG Gameplay

Action-RPG gameplay (R.I.P.)
The effect of the announcement was shock to gamers and dismay to Sony; That the next major installment of one of Japan's biggest gaming franchises is being published for Nintendo's handheld DS. It's probably safe to say that no one expected this development, and though many were delighted by the console shift itself, many more were horrified at the announcement that Dragon Quest IX would sheathe the traditional turn-based role playing system that it had retained long after such gameplay became passé (signs point to a reversion to more traditional gameplay, however).

It was not only the DS announcement that came as a shock, but the actual announcement of Dragon Quest IX itself. Since its inception, the major installments of the series have always been published on the most popular platform (in Japan), as seen when Dragon Quest VII jumped ship to the PlayStation two generations ago. However, there is no clear indication as of who will yet be crowned console king this generation. The title's announcement so early in the current life cycle was therefore a surprise, and we can again point to Dragon Quest VII and Dragon Quest VIII, developed and published much later in the life cycle at a point where it was sure which console had the highest user base. However, keeping this logic in mind should make the DS publication a no-brainer: Nintendo DS is the most popular console in Japan by far, and as Chris Kohler says, "is on track to outsell every other game console in the history of Japan."

Veteran Development Team

Koichi Sugiyama
Series creators Yuji Horii (Scenario and game design), Akira Toriyama (Character and monster design), and Koichi Sugiyama (Music composer) all return for the DS installment. It was Sugiyama who in August, 2006 first let it slip that the title was in development, though it wasn't officially announced till December. He has also declared that he would compose for the series until the day of his ultimate demise, certainly a grave decision.


Jump Fiesta trailer (Dec, 2006)

Featuring adorable Dragon Quest cuteness, touch screen costume changing, co-op gameplay, Big fat goblins, and falling magical fruit

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