sss GGG ffffffffffff tt sssss GG GG fffff ffff tt ssssss GG ff tttttt _______ ssss aa GG GGG aa ff fff rrr rr ooo n nn tt oo ee rr rrr | | ssss aa a GG GG aa a fffffff rrr o o nn n tt ii e e e rrr | | ssss aaa GG GG aaa ff rr ooo n n tt ii eee rr __|_|__ ssss a GG GG a ff ssss GGGGGG ff sss GG ff sss GG ff ss GG ff s GG =============================================================================== SaGa Frontier II Arts List ver 0.2 by ANDREAS ANGGA INDRAWAN Date : 15 January 2000 =============================================================================== The Arts below are from the Usa version or Europe ver?(i don't know because i use a pirate copy and it displays published by square europe????).I will only display the single Art from every weapon and magic as far as i found on this game. This FAQ should not be use for Commercial purposes. This FAQ may be distributed electronically freely, but don't change anything on it.And please let me know if you want to put this FAQ on your homepage.This FAQ is made and owned by me. Update History ver 0.1 First release with the Weapon Arts ver 0.2 Some Correction,lot of Changes ,Add Magic/Anima Arts ,Other Arts and Credit section. Contents I.Weapon Arts 1.Martial Arts 2.Sword Arts 3.Axe Arts 4.Staff Arts 5.Spear Arts 6.Bow Arts II.Magic/Anima Arts 1.Tree Arts 2.Stone/Rock Arts 3.Fire/Flame Arts 4.Water Arts 5.Tone Arts 6.Beast Arts III.Other Arts 1.Weapon Arts Without Command 2.Anima Weapon Arts 3.Hybrid Arts 4.Special Arts IV .Credit/Special Thanks ============================================================================================= I.Weapon Arts ============================================================================================= ______________ / Martial Arts \ \______________/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Karate Punch |11.Somersault | | Atk Power: 9 | Atk Power: 54 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Ready - Punch | Command : Charge - Kick - Kick | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |2.Backhand |12.Triangle Kick | | Atk Power: 15 | Atk Power: 57 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Feint - Punch | Command : Feint - Kick - Kick | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |3.Rotation Kick |13.Sumo Throw | | Atk Power: | Atk Power: 60 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 8 | | Command : Charge - Kick | Command : Punch - Grab - Kick | | | Effect : Stun Effect | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |4.Bear Paw |14.Kitchen Sink | | Atk Power: 24 | Atk Power: 62 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 7 | | Command : Charge - Grab | Command : Charge - Feint - Kick | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |5.Brawl |15.Rolling Thunder | | Atk Power: 27 | Atk Power: 64 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 9 | | Command : Punch - Kick - Punch | Command : Focus - Punch - Punch - Punch | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |6.Crush Beat(Best vs Stone Enemies) |16.Tumbler | | Atk Power: 35 | Atk Power: 72 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 9 | | Command : Charge - Punch - Punch | Command : Feint - Grab - Charge - Grab | | | Effect : Stun | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |7.Heart Breaker |17.Cascade Rising | | Atk Power: 38 | Atk Power: 79 | | Wp Cost : 5 | Wp Cost : 10 | | Command : Focus - Grab - Punch | Command : Focus - Kick - Kick - Kick | | Effect : Cripple | | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |8.Arm Hammer |18.Kamikaze (Cost Lp to use) | | Atk Power: 45 | Atk Power: 90 | | Wp Cost : 5 | Wp Cost : 10 | | Command : Charge - Charge - Punch | Command : Charge - Charge - Charge - Grab | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------| |9.Kick Rush |19.Eradication | | Atk Power: 49 | Atk Power: 99 | | Wp Cost : 5 | Wp Cost : 10 | | Command : Kick - Kick - Kick | Command : Punch - Punch - Kick - Kick | |-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------' |10.Corkscrew | | Atk Power: 51 | | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Charge - Focus - Punch | '-------------------------------------------' _____________ / Sword Arts \ \_____________/ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Double Slash |11.Slice & Dice | | Atk Power: 21 | Atk Power: 49 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Cleave - Cleave | Command : Slash - Backslash - Cleave | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |2.Cross Slash |12.Dragon Tail | | Atk Power: 25 | Atk Power: 50 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Slash - Backslash | Command : Feint - Slash - Backslash | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |3.Strike Slash |13.Head Cracker (Best Vs Bettle) | | Atk Power: 27 | Atk Power: 52 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Feint - Slash | Command : Ready - Charge - Slash | | Effect : Stun | | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |4.Running Slash |14.Heaven & Hell | | Atk Power: 33 | Atk Power: 55 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Feint - Backslash | Command : Charge - Slash - Backslash | | | Effect : Stun | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |5.Mist Double |15.Head Wind | | Atk Power: 34 | Atk Power: 59 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 7 | | Command : Feint - Cleave - Slash | Command : Feint - Cleave - Backslash | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |6.Smash |16.Bull Crush | | Atk Power: 37 | Atk Power: 63 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 8 | | Command : Charge - Cleave | Command : Charge - Charge - Cleave | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |7.Final Letter |17.No Momment (Unavoidable Attack) | | Atk Power: 39 | Atk Power: 66 | | Wp Cost : 6 | Wp Cost : 8 | | Command : Backslash - Cleave -Backslash | Command : Ready - Ready - Ready - Slash | | Effect : Deathblow | | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |8.Dead End |18.Blade Spray (Area Attack) | | Atk Power: 42 | Atk Power: 71 | | Wp Cost : 7 | Wp Cost : 9 | | Command : Cleave - Backslash - Slash | Command : Ready - Charge - Charge - Backslash | | Effect : Deathblow | | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |9.Double Stroke |19.Bear Crush | | Atk Power: 44 | Atk Power: 80 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 10 | | Command : Ready - Backslash - Backslash | Command : Charge - Charge - Charge - Cleave | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |10.Cross Break |20.Multi - Way | | Atk Power: 46 | Atk Power: 88 | | Wp Cost : 5 | Wp Cost : 13 | | Command : Charge - Cleave - Cleave | Command : Slash - Backslash - Cleave - Slash | '-------------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------' __________ / Axe Arts \ \__________/ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Tomahawk |11.Mega Hit | | Atk Power: 17 | Atk Power: 60 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Charge - Throw | Command : Ready - Charge - Slash | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |2.Heel Crush |12.Wheel Grind | | Atk Power: 19 | Atk Power: 61 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Focus - Backslash | Command : Feint - Slash - Slash - Slash | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |3.Hyper Hammer |13.Flash Trinity | | Atk Power: 24 | Atk Power: 70 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 8 | | Command : Charge - Backslash | Command : Ready - Slash - Slash - Backslash | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |4.Wood Cutter(Best vs Plants) |14.Sky Rendezvous | | Atk Power: 27 | Atk Power: 73 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 9 | | Command : Charge - Charge - Slash | Command : Throw - Throw - Focus - Throw | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |5.Fake Out |15.Tornado Divide(Best vs Plants) | | Atk Power: 34 | Atk Power: 91 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 12 | | Command : Feint - Backslash - Slash | Command : Backslash - Backslash - Charge - Slash| |-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------' |6.Skull Crush(Best vs Skeletons) | | Atk Power: 40 | | Wp Cost : 4 | | Command : Focus - Charge - Slash | | | |-------------------------------------------| |7.Axel Turn | | Atk Power: 44 | | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Ready - Charge - Backslash | |-------------------------------------------| |8.Ogre Crossing | | Atk Power: 49 | | Wp Cost : 4 | | Command : Ready - Backslash - Backslash | |-------------------------------------------| |9.Sky Drive | | Atk Power: 53 | | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Charge - Feint - Throw | |-------------------------------------------| |10.Yo-Yo | | Atk Power: 55 | | Wp Cost : 7 | | Command : Focus -Charge - Throw - Throw | '-------------------------------------------' __________ /Staff Arts\ \__________/ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Roll Beat(Unavoidable Attack) | 6.Gong Beat | | Atk Power: 10 | Atk Power: 42 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Swing - Swing | Command : Ready - Charge - Swing | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |2.Heart Beat | 7.Painful Beat | | Atk Power: 14 | Atk Power: 45 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Focus - Beat | Command : Ready - Focus - Beat | | Effect : Cripple | | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |3.Lobster Slayer(Best vs Shellfish) | 8.Rock Crush(Best vs Stone enemies) | | Atk Power: 28 | Atk Power: 50 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 7 | | Command : Swing - Feint -Swing | Command : Charge - Beat - Beat - Beat | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |4.Bone Crush(Best vs Skeletons) | 9.Turtle Killer(Unblockable by Shield) | | Atk Power: 31 | Atk Power: 61 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 10 | | Command : Focus - Charge - Beat | Command : Charge - Focus - Focus - Beat | |-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |5.Head Splitter |10.Time & Tide(Unavoidable - Deathblow) | | Atk Power: 34 | Atk Power: 77 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 14 | | Command : Focus - Focus - Beat | Command : Feint - Focus - Beat - Beat | '-------------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------' __________ /Spear Arts\ \__________/ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Swing And Stab |11.Beast Lightning | | Atk Power: 18 | Atk Power: 69 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 9 | | Command : Backslash - Thrust | Command : Ready - Focus - Backslash - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |2.Double Thrust |12.Thousand Cross(Best vs Undead) | | Atk Power: 22 | Atk Power: 80 | | Wp Cost : 2 | Wp Cost : 12 | | Command : Thrust - Thrust | Command : Thrust - Thrust - Thrust - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |3.Lawnmower(Best vs Plants) |13.Fearless Triple | | Atk Power: 27 | Atk Power: 88 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 14 | | Command : Backslash - Backslash | Command : Feint - Backslash - Backslash - Thrust| | Effect : Stun | | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| |4.Skewer |14.Rush | | Atk Power: 36 | Atk Power: 32 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 3 | | Command : Charge - Charge - Thrust | Command : Charge - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------' |5.Wave Thrust | | Atk Power: 43 | | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Backslash - Thrust - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------| |6.Brain Shaker | | Atk Power: 51 | | Wp Cost : 4 | | Command : Focus - Feint - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------| |7.Aiming(Unavoidable) | | Atk Power: 55 | | Wp Cost : 5 | | Command : Focus - Focus - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------| |8.Squash | | Atk Power: 57 | | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Feint - Backslash - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------| |9.Shining Arm(Unavoidable) | | Atk Power: 63 | | Wp Cost : 8 | | Command : Charge - Feint - Thrust | |----------------------------------------------------| |10.Heavenly Strike | | Atk Power: 65 | | Wp Cost : 10 | | Command : Backslash - Backslash - Thrust - Thrust| '----------------------------------------------------' ________ /Bow Arts\ \________/ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Aim Shot | 6.Thousand Neddle | | Atk Power: 18 | Atk Power: 52 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Focus - Shoot | Command : Quickshot - Quickshot - Shoot | |-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |2.Shadow Bind | 7.Rapid Fire | | Atk Power: 0 | Atk Power: 55 | | Wp Cost : 3 | Wp Cost : 7 | | Command : Feint - Focus - Shoot | Command : Charge - Quickshot x3 | | Effect : Cripple | | |-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |3.Mind Break | 8.Hi Speed Arrow | | Atk Power: 36 | Atk Power: 64 | | Wp Cost : 5 | Wp Cost : 7 | | Command : Focus - Feint - Quickshot | Command : Charge - Focus - Focus - Quickshot | |-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |4.Sidewinder(best vs frogs) | 9.Crystal Prism | | Atk Power: 44 | Atk Power: 84 | | Wp Cost : 4 | Wp Cost : 9 | | Command : Focus - Focus - Shoot | Command : Quickshot - Shoot - Quickshot - Shoot| | | Effect : Deathblow |-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------' |5.Shadow Slayer | | Atk Power: 49 | | Wp Cost : 6 | | Command : Shoot - Focus - Quickshot | | Effect : Deathblow | '-------------------------------------------' =========================================================================================== II.Magic/Anima Arts =========================================================================================== _________ /Tree Arts\ \_________/ ________________________________ ________________________________ |1.Needle Shot |4.Wood Stock | | Atk Power: 36 | Atk Power: 32 | | Jp cost : 4 | Jp cost : 5 | | Command : Tree - Stone | Command : Tree - Beast | |--------------------------------|--------------------------------| |2.Bush Fire |5.Sleep | | Atk Power: 28 | Atk Power: - | | Jp cost : 6 | Jp Cost : 5 | | Command : Tree - Flame | Command : Tree - Tree - Flame| |--------------------------------|--------------------------------| |3.Life Water |6.Song of Earth | | Atk Power: - | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 5 | Jp Cost : 8 | | Command : Tree - Water | Command : Tree - Stone | '--------------------------------'--------------------------------' _______________ /Stone/Rock Arts\ \_______________/ __________________________________________________________________ |1.Delta Petra(Area Attack) |4.Guard Beast | | Atk Power: 50 | Atk Power : - | | Jp cost : 6 | Jp Cost : 9 | | Command : Stone - Tree | Command : Stone - Stone - Beast | | Effect : Petrify | | |-----------------------------|------------------------------------| |2.Magmaplosion(Area Attack) |5.Stone Armor | | Atk Power: 38 | Atk Power : - | | Jp Cost : 5 | Jp Cost : 4 | | Command : Stone - Flame | Command : Stone - Stone - Stone | | | Effect : Raises Armor Strength | |-----------------------------|------------------------------------' |3.Water Hammer | | Atk Power: | | Jp Cost : | | Command : Stone - Water | | Effect : Psyche attack | '-----------------------------' _______________ /Fire/Flame Arts\ \_______________/ __________________________________________________________________________ |1.Recovery Breath(Removes Status)|4.Incineration(Combo spell) | | Atk Power: - | Atk Power: 75 | | Jp Cost : 4 | Jp Cost : 10 | | Command : Flame - Tree | Command :Flame - Flame - Tree - Stone| | | Effect :Deathblow | |---------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |2.Flame Naga(Area Attack,Best |5.Soul Hymn (Strengthens entire Party) | | vs Frog) | Atk Power: - | | Atk Power: 40 | Jp Cost : 16 | | Jp Cost : 5 | Command : Flame - Beast -Tone | | Command : Flame - Beast | | |---------------------------------|----------------------------------------' |3.Firestorm(Attack All) | | Atk Power: 66 | | Jp Cost : 8 | | Command : Flame - Tree | '---------------------------------' __________ /Water Arts\ \__________/ ____________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Sonic Poison(Attack All) |4.Permanence(Maintains Target current Status)| | Atk Power: 44 | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 5 | Jp Cost : 8 | | Command : Water - Tone | Command : Water - Water - Stone - Tree | | Effect : Poison | | |--------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| |2.Aqua Viper(Area Attack,Best vs Frog)|5.Heaven's Thunder | | Atk Power: 18 | Atk Power: 70 | | Jp Cost : 4 | Jp Cost : 9 | | Command : Water - Beast | Command : Water - Water - Tone - Tree | |--------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------' |3.Call Thunder | | Atk Power: 60 | | Jp Cost : 7 | | Command : Water - Water - Tone | '--------------------------------------' _________ /Tone Arts\ \_________/ _____________________________________________________________________________ |1.Sonic Burner(Area Attack) |4.Stone Memory | | Atk Power: 21 | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 6 | Jp Cost : 7 | | Command : Tone - Flame | Command :Tone - Tone - Stone | | | Effect :Petrify | |--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------| |2.Spoil Wave(Lowers Enemy Psy Within Area) |5.Hymnal(Atk All,Best vs undead)| | Atk Power: - | Atk Power: 60 | | Jp Cost : 3 | Jp Cost : 11 | | Command : Tone - Water | Command : Tone - Tree - Beast| |--------------------------------------------|--------------------------------' |3.Sonic Sanctuary(Strengthens spell defense)| | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 4 | | Command : Tone - Stone | '--------------------------------------------' __________ /Beast Arts\ \__________/ ___________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Mind Scape(Raises entire party's reflex)|4.Berserk(Raises Moral to cause berserk)| | Atk Power: - | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 3 | Jp Cost : 3 | | Command : Beast - Tree | Command : Beast - Beast - Beast | |------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------| |2.Howling Heaven(Atk All) |5.Regenerate(Gives regenerative ability)| | Atk Power: 32 | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 5 | Jp Cost : 3 | | Command : Beast - Tone | Command : Beast - Beast | |------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------' |3.Reviva(Endows Ability to ressurect self)| | Atk Power: - | | Jp Cost : 9 | | Command : Beast - Beast - Flame - Flame| '------------------------------------------' ================================================================================================ III. Other Arts ================================================================================================ 1.Weapon Arts Without Command ____________ ____________ /Martial Arts\ / Spear Arts \ \____________/ \____________/ _______________________ _________________________ |1.Ogre Run(Area attack)| |1.Wide Swing(Area Attack)| | Atk Power: 32 | | Atk Power : 47 | | Wp Cost : 4 | | Wp Cost : 5 | '-----------------------' | Effect : Stun | ____________ '-------------------------' / Sword Arts \ ____________ \____________/ / Bow Arts \ _______________________ \____________/ |1.After Vision(Atk ALL)| _________________________ | Atk Power: 55 | |1.Random Shot(Attack all)| | Wp Cost : 7 | | Atk Power : 12 | '-----------------------' | Wp Cost : 2 | ____________ |-------------------------| / Staff Arts \ |2.Arrow Rain(Attack All) | \____________/ | Atk Power : 32 | _________________________________ | Wp Cost : 4 | |1.Grand Slam(Atk all,Unavoidable)| '-------------------------' | Atk Power: 74 | | Wp Cost : 8 | '---------------------------------' 2.Anima Weapon Arts _______ __________ / Tree \ / Stone \ \_______/ \__________/ _________________________________________ _______________________________________________ |1.Wood Punch |4.Wood Spear | |1.Stone Punch |4.Stone Staff | | Atk Power: 20 | Atk Power: 20 | | Atk Power: 20 | Atk Power: 20 | | Jp Cost : 1 | Jp Cost : 2 | | Jp Cost : 1 | Jp Cost : 2 | |--------------------|--------------------| |-----------------------|-----------------------| |2.Wood Sword |5.Wood Arrow | |2.Stone Sword |5.Stone Spear | | Atk Power: 20 | Atk Power: 20 | | Atk Power: 20 | Atk Power: 20 | | Jp Cost : 2 | Jp Cost : 2 | | Jp Cost : 2 | Jp Cost : 2 | |--------------------|--------------------' |-----------------------|-----------------------' |3.Wood Staff | |3.Stone Axe | | Atk Power: 20 | | Atk Power: 20 | | Jp Cost : 2 | | Jp Cost : 2 | '--------------------' '-----------------------' _______ __________ / Flame \ / Tone \ \_______/ \__________/ _________________________________________ _______________________________________________ |1.Flame Sword |3.Flame Spear | |1.Tone Sword |3.Tone Arrow | | Atk Power: 30 | Atk Power: 30 | | Atk Power: 20 | Atk Power: 20 | | Jp Cost : 2 | Jp Cost : 2 | | Jp Cost : 2 | Jp Cost : 2 | |--------------------|--------------------| |-----------------------|-----------------------' |2.Flame Axe |4.Flame Arrow | |2.Tone Staff | | Atk Power: 30 | Atk Power: 30 | | Atk Power: 20 | | Jp Cost : 2 | Jp Cost : 2 | | Jp Cost : 2 | '--------------------'--------------------' '-----------------------' 3.Hybrid Arts _________ / Sword \ \_________/ ____________________________________________ |1.Tornado Blade(Tree Hybrid Arts,Area Attack| | Atk Power : 74 | | JP Cost : 7 | |--------------------------------------------| |2.Gale BLade(Tree Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 94 | | Jp Cost : 10 | | Command :Tree - Cleave - Cleave - Slash | |--------------------------------------------| |3.Thunder Blade(Water Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 50 | | Jp Cost : 6 | | Command : Water - Backslash - Cleave | '--------------------------------------------' _________ / Axe \ \_________/ ____________________________________________ |1.Fire Wheel(Flame Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 45 | | Jp Cost : 5 | | Command : Flame - Charge - Throw | '--------------------------------------------' __________ / Staff \ \__________/ ____________________________________________ |1.Gale Strike(Tree Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 74 | | Jp Cost : 7 | | Command : Tree - Swing - Swing - Swing | '--------------------------------------------' __________ / Spear \ \__________/ _______________________________________________ |1.Snake Blaster(Water Hybrid Arts,Best vs Frogs| | Atk Power : 72 | | Jp Cost : 6 | | Command : Water - Charge - Thrust | |-----------------------------------------------| |2.Twin Dragon (Flame - Water Hybrid) | | Atk Power : 90 | | Jp Cost : 9 | | Command : Flame - Water - Thrust - Thrust | |-----------------------------------------------| |3.Jewel Strike (Stone - Water Hybrid) | | Atk Power : 99 | | Jp Cost : 15 | | Command : Stone - Water - Backslash 2x | '-----------------------------------------------' __________ / Bow \ \__________/ _______________________________________________________________________________________ |1.Bird Hunter(Flame hybrid Arts) |4.Spark Shot(Flame Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 31 | Atk Power : 51 | | Jp Cost : 2 | Jp cost : 7 | | Command : Flame - Shoot | Command :Flame - Quickshot - Quickshot | |------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |2.Poison Arrow(Water Hybrid Arts) |5.Wind Breaker(Tree Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 25 | Atk Power : 60 | | Jp Cost : 4 | Jp Cost : 8 | | Command : Water - Shoot | Command : Tree - Charge - Charge - Shoot | | Effect : Poison | | |------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| |3.Death Shot(Tree-Flame Hybrid Arts)|6.Spectral Shot(Beast Hybrid Arts) | | Atk Power : 42 | Atk Power : 66 | | Jp Cost : 4 | Jp Cost : 9 | | Command : Tree - Flame - Shoot | Command :Beast - Beast - Beast - Quickshot| | Effect : Deathblow | | '------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------' |7.Fire Bird(Flame Hybrids Arts,Heals Caster Hp) | | Atk Power : 33 | | Jp Cost : 9 | | Command : Flame - Beast - Shoot | '------------------------------------------------' 4.Special Arts ___________________________________________ |1.Comet Fall | | Atk Power : 51 | | Jp Cost : 8 | | Source : Kris Knife/Kris Acalabeth(Jp)| '-------------------------------------------' =============================================================================================== IV.Credit/Special Thanks =============================================================================================== 1.Saga Frontier 2 Ultimania(Official Guide book),Edited by Studio Bentstuff,And Published by Digicube( for providing a lot of Stuff that help me to complete this Arts List 2.Guess Who for the Fire Wheel Arts 3.Boen Boen for some addition and Correction 4.NathanPs for some Correction 5.Gamefaqs for posting this Faqs If you have any suggestion ,Question or found any mistake here feel free to contact me