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Microsoft said to have recently attempted to acquire both Sega and Square

  • Published at 01:24:00 PT
  • Reported by Matt Berti
  • Read 20,552 times
  • Karma:  72 
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According to Eurogamer (article), Microsoft recently made an attempt to purchase both Sega and Square, and apparently almost succeeded. The deal would cost Microsoft $1.8 billion to acquire Sega, who would, in turn, use the profits to purchase a controlling interest in Square. The deal fell through however when Sega rejected the proposition, stating conflicting interests.

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Forums / News / Microsoft said to have recently attempted to acquire both Sega and Square

Holy shit. I would have had to buy an Xbox!!!

Well, I may have to buy one anyways for Psychonauts. Goddamn witty Tim Schafer.
fuck that.
I think I will be fine with how the companies are right now thanks very much Microsoft? have you not caused enough pain already?
Strong-arm tactics, but a good idea if they won't fall into your lap.

I don't know if it'd be good enough, though. Xbox has hardly any market share and the PS2's dominance is overwhelming.
Let me clarify: in Japan.

Square is an important player, but Square simply does not make or break consoles. Correlation, not causation.
True, Paul. But the combination of Square and Sega would create quite a compelling force. I don't know that the Japanese could resist.

However, Sega is already developing most of their finest for Xbox, so it would really be like adding Square into the equation. And as you said, Square does not have the power to make or break.
And I don't want to hear any bullshit about how Square has made every console since the NES. Square is just a sheep in the herd and the herd goes where the money is.
Microsoft tried to grab Nintendo too, but Yamauchi told Microsoft to get lost. See? Hiroshi Yamauchi is good for something.
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