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Kingdom Hearts set for mid-September release

  • Published at 21:02:00 PT
  • Reported by Paul Le
  • Read 21,415 times
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Once slated for an October 14 release, the Square-Disney collaborative effort for the PlayStation 2 will instead be released September 17. This will have a potentially disastrous impact on staff "productivity" at SH. Gameforms reports that the North American version will include new difficulty modes and new boss battles. Nyah nyah, Japanese gamers!

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Forums / News / Kingdom Hearts set for mid-September release

My reason for being arrives on September 17th.
Wow. You really are set on playing Kingdom Hearts.

I think I feel your vibe since I deliberately sought out a picture of Cid.
The PAL version will have even more, amongst which a bonus DVD (akin to MGS2 and FFX) that includes (according to insiders) an interview where Vagrant Story II or a new game in the VS universe is revealed. Nyah Nyah American gamers!
Yeah right. But still, even if that were true... you'll eventually come back to the utter realization that you don't live in America :D
Thanks for that, everytime I read it I am filled with this feeling of joy and wonder much like an orgasm. "Not in America". Aaaah.
Canada is better.

"Not in America", plus we don't have to wait like you poor bums do in the PAL territories.

Nyah nyah.
Sorry, but waiting for superior games doesn't detract from the experience for me. We get additional content - FFX: International, MGS2: European Extreme, for example, and now a special enhanced Kingdom Hearts. Living in Canada doesn't even compete.
You have failed to convince me.

Canada sucks donkey nads.
We also occasionaly get those "better" games.

Except for the money, Canada rocks !

Plus, American TV, well, the good stuf anyway,.... Ok, TV is mostly shit.

Yes. Now why am I still bothering to post this ?
I can understand Europe getting FFX International, considering that the time between the NA and European releases was nearly six months. But Kingdom Hearts is coming out in Europe sometime in November. What the hell?? :)
It's becoming a trend, you see? More people are buying their games because they've been releasing BETTER games. I knew it would catch on, and I'm only happier for it.
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