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Date set for Kingdom Hearts Consumer Demo Day

  • Published at 22:41:00 PT
  • Reported by Paul Le
  • Read 20,939 times
  • Karma:  35 
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To celebrate the upcoming North American release of Kingdom Hearts, Square EA will hold a "Consumer Demo Day" at the Sony Metreon's PlayStation store in San Francisco. Promotional Kingdom Hearts posters will be given away, and playable demo versions of the game will be made available at the event, which will take place Friday, August 23 from 2-6 PM.

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I am there! Free posters!!!

I might take a camera with me... Sorta exclusive content! Woo!!!
Sadly, San Fransisco is about 9387 miles too far eastwards for me. Oh well.
Paul! Bring back a poster for meeeee...!

Lucky you. You're going to have to tell me about how great it is.
If I'm allowed only one poster, I'll mail it to you. How about that? I happen to have a poster shipping tube lying around. :)

This is one of those times I could use a digital camera.... I'll probably have to use a dinky disposable one.

I should get there around 12 PM. Ample time...
If someone not interested in Kingdom Hearts was willing to go with me, I'd be able to get two...

I'm so excited about this (celebrating the end the first week of classes!!) that I'm actually doing some work on the php for my feature (the one I keep talking about in the forums).

You're the greatest, Paul. Better than sliced bread, better than toaster ovens, heck, you're even better than chocolate milk. I would hug you, but my arms aren't long enough.
Better than chocolate milk??

I am quite speechless right now.
It truly is endearing to see stuff like this enfold in news commentary threads :)
I feel as though my summer has been extended a week, because I just found out that although the semester starts August 20, instruction starts August 26.

Looks like I'll be there at 9 AM. :)
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