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Nintendo sued for $165 million; allegedly stole candy from babies

  • Published at 12:26:00 PT
  • Reported by Matt Berti
  • Read 19,879 times
  • Karma:  16 
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The European Commission has sued Nintendo, among seven other gaming firms, for practicing a "cartel-like" arrangement with the aim of partitioning the market and inflating wholesale prices for its consoles and games. Nintendo does not plan on rolling over and getting spanked by the EC, however, and will lodge an appeal. ?

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Forums / News / Nintendo sued for $165 million; allegedly stole candy from babies

What?? Is this news story not comment-worthy??? SOMEBODY FUCKING SAY SOMETHING!!!!!
Uhh... bad Nintendo! Bad!

It's about time the athourities have done something about the european rip off market. take a PS2 in the UK at launch sale prices were ?300 and in the states it was $300, i'm all for syncronization of prices but come on ?300 could buy around $450 worth of stuff and don't do they think we are dumb??. it's not just sony (who i actually respect alot for there fabulous customer service) it's companys such as EA, MICROSOFT (shudder), Nintendo and former Sega. if any of these companys should get away lightly it would have to be nintendo. and $163 million is a alot of money and i seriously think that the EC just need some cash so they decide to pick of coperate firms.

GRRRRR Fuck the Law
Sony customer service is like an oxymoron. Sony absolutely needs an established customer service because their products are plagued with design flaws and bugs brought on by sheer laziness and a complete lack of care for the consumer.

And I've heard very different stories about Sony's customer "service" here in North America. But I 'm not going to pretend to know all bout that. what I do know, however, is that nobody in the entire industry puts out a more quality, stable product than Nintendo.
Nintendo must be laughing at this.

I called Europeans babies and got away with it!
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