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'Slutty white girl from rap video' trend persists in FFX-2

  • Published at 17:09:00 PT
  • Reported by Paul Le
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Rikku gives eager-beaver fanboys two more reasons to look forward to Final Fantasy X-2. (We obviously are referring to her dazzling green eyes.)
The latest issue of V-Jump revealed more information and artwork about Final Fantasy X-2.

A flamboyantly dressed Rikku joins Yuna as part of a sphere-hunting, Al Bhed-based group called "Kamome," which also includes Brother (Rikku's brother), and some new characters: "Dachi," "Shinra," and Master (tentative transliterations).? Kamome's base of operations is a bright-red airship called the "Celsius."

It is presumed that Kamome also includes the sword-wielding, silver-maned third female who appears in the game's logo (along with Yuna and Rikku).? Although her name was not revealed, she is shown in the magazine with her back turned, clad in black.

In their hunt for spheres throughout Spira, Yuna and friends may have a potential rival group to contend with.? Called "Le Branc," the group is headed by Le Branc, a blonde Edea look-alike.? Le Branc is assisted by her henchmen, Uno and Sano.

Final Fantasy X-2 is scheduled for release March 2003 in Japan.

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would appreciate a link to the pictures instead of just that little thumbnail.
I suppose you have a a point... now the links point to the media list.
I'm sure you WILL appreciate that link. I can't wait until the third sequel, Final Fantasy X3 (XXX) Beach Volleyball is released. Or perhaps that's a side game in X2. Either way, Rikku is pretty hot... y'know... for a cartoon? Nevermind.
I don't think Rikku is sluty. I agree with seeing more than just a thumbnail before I make that judgement.
I did not mean to say that Rikku herself is slutty. It's just a style, like cabaret or burlesque. I refrain from making snide comments in the actual "article."
Sluts are the best lay, everyone knows that! Plus she's underage. What more could you want?!
A Final Fantasy VIII sequel with a scantily-clad Seifer! I think he's sexier than Rikku.

I'm guessing you all don't agree.
I'm all for it!

I'll just imagine Seifer putting it in Fujin. HOTNESS.
"putting it in?" Putting what, exactly, in?
It wasn't that oblique, was it?

Oh, I meant putting it on Fujin. As in putting a fedora on Fujin. I think it'd be fetching... don't you?
Heya...If you'd like to see Rikku's supposed, "slutty white girl from a rap video outfit" you can go here, and look at some pics:

It's not THAT bad.
You haven't been listening to R. Kelly, have you?
As far as stringing together disparate bits of information is concerned, I was looking around, and I found out that there's another clan called "Kodomo" that includes Pacce (Isaaru's brother and guardian). At least that's what said.
I think Final Fantasy X-2 is really looking Excellent.

And I have seen girls walk around with least then what she has on around the Gold Coast. So It hasn't just been pulled from some guys imagination, because it has to have had a female influence in her outfit design.

Rikku's outfit looks Funky and Fun, and it suits her.
So far, it seems that only cynical bastards object to Rikku's outfit. One "argument" against her look is that it's all a cheap way to attract fans. Psh. As though FFVII itself weren't a transparent marketing ploy masquerading as a game. Psh.
FFVII, not a game?
the heck are you talking about?
it was one of the best FF games!!
Ha. Gullible kids... :P
Has a release in the US and Europe been confirmed ?
no but since it's the last Final Fantasy ever, I assume it'll be here and there around this time next year.
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