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Square makes money

  • Published at 01:59:00 PT
  • Reported by Paul Le
  • Read 21,222 times
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Since Square actually expects to sell more games in Europe than in North America, that means we stupid Americans should stop bitching about every damn trivial thing you don't like about Final Fantasy Tactics Advance or Final Fantasy X-2, you myopic, self-absorbed idiots! (Point of view shift intended.)
Square recently announced its sales figures for the first half of the current fiscal year and projections for the rest of the year.

Square reported a profit of 400 million yen ($3.3 million USD), fueled by sales of Final Fantasy X (1.08 million copies in Europe), Kingdom Hearts (580,000 copies in Noth America), and the PlayStation version of Final Fantasy XI (210,000 copies). Square also announced that its PlayOnline service currently has 180,000 subscribers.

Last year, Square reported a loss of 13.2 billion yen ($110 million USD) during the same fiscal period.  This year, consolidated sales rose by 39.1% and operating profit by 71.8% relative to last year's period.

For the rest of the fiscal year, Square projects consolidated sales of 32.7 billion yen ($270 million USD), an operating profit of 7.1 billion yen ($58 million USD) and a net profit of 4.8 billion yen ($39 million USD).  Based primarily on projected sales figures for Unlimited SaGa and Final Fantasy X-2, Square expects to sell 8.9 million units worldwide (4.3 million in Japan, 1.9 million in North America, 2.7 million in Europe).

Square's sales figures do not account for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle for the GameCube.  Square also confirmed that Crystal Chronicle will be finished by the end of the year.

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W00t. I'm tired of hearing pointless shit about how pepole think that somehow FFX-2 will suck. The screenshots we've seen are based on and use many of the models and locations from FFX. The costume designer is likely the same person who did FFX. Why can't Yuna wear a differnet costume? Final Fantasy games are all about change anyways. Why make a sequel if everything is the same? You dudes better stick to playing Tomb Raider sequels.
lol I could not have said it better my self.
You are absolutely right.
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