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Square Enix confirms Kingdom Hearts sequel (again)

  • Published at 09:30:29 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 21,243 times
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Following today's merger between RPG giants Square and Enix to form Square Enix, the company confirmed development of a successor to last year's Kingdom Hearts.

Reuters was also told that Square Enix will be releasing 20 games each year with a rotating mega-hit, presumed to be Final Fantasy, and that they consider the Kingdom Hearts franchise to be as important to them as Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy.

The company set its expected operating profit for the upcoming financial year to $157 million, winning several comments from the industry in the process. "The merger will benefit the maker of roll-playing games both in the short- and long-term," said Hirokazu Hamamura, president of Enterbrain. "The only risk would be the departure of the development staff, which is not likely to happen since the management is taking extreme caution in implementing any changes," he said.

Square Enix is expected to further reveal its upcoming plans somewhere between now and E3, as it gets ready for announcements regarding Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy XII ahead of the convention in May.

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Forums / News / Square Enix confirms Kingdom Hearts sequel (again)

This is going to be one damn amazing game, period. The merger of these 2 companies will completely revolutionize RPG's. Both companies contained strong points in the opposites weakness, and now that the marriage has taken place, these 2 companies will procreate some good shit. Kingdom Hearts 2, of course, is at the top of the list. I believe they are estimating the release in late 2005, but Im not entirely sure. I do know however, most likely the game will be developed for the Playstation 3 platform. Also, if your a die hard Kingdom Hearts fan, or perhaps just looking for some answers to the secret ending cinima in Kingdom Hearts, check this site out, these guys have some good shit here, and you can even d/l the Deep Dive video. Yours lovingly, Strohm.
Kingdom Hearts 2 will not be developed for the playstation 3 platform. Stop assuming things! You're going to get the damn fanboys all riled up...
Wow, nearly 99% of made up bullshit!

I congratulate you sir for your rife speculatory ability!
okay, comon now. let's not start this up again...
To Bad It Isn't Out Yet
cant wait to see what happens next.
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