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Researchers develop Spider-Man gloves

  • Published at 13:51:44 PT
  • Reported by Matt Berti
  • Read 20,329 times
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The somewhat-amazing Spider-ManLONDON (Reuters) - "Move over Spider-Man -- mere mortals may soon be coming to a ceiling near you. Researchers at the University of Manchester say they have cracked the secret of one of the reptile world's greatest climbers, the gecko, and produced a sticky tape that can mimic the lizard's gravity-defying abilities. Soon, people could walk on walls like comic-book superhero Spider-Man, the university said.

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Forums / News / Researchers develop Spider-Man gloves

uh, I'm actually not sure how a glove of this materila could work. I'm not big on science, but a simple question is actually moving your hands if it's so sticky. And furthermore, I thought geckos used static eletricity. Sorry, but this doesn't quite add up to me.
well, it's true!!! i swear!
You see xdeath5, geckos actually have special microscophic hairs on the bottom of thier feet. This allows them to attatch themselves to walls and cielings. They are designed so that one can easily move thier hand/foot foreward, to release it. Otherwise, the gecko could effortlessly stay there. The same goes for these Spider-Man Gloves. they have the same designed hairs on a gecko's feet. That is how these things work. Does that answer your question?
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