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Procrastination Desists; Square Haven Launches Anniversary Competition

  • Published at 09:08:14 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 20,223 times
  • Karma:  78 
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Even Agent Smith/Elrond agrees that this contest is ludicrous.A full year of non-work and "developments" like this ought to lead to something good for you, the benevolent user, so of course with May 29th being the oh-so-obvious Square Haven 1 Year Anniversary (which we ignored because we're not full of ourselves [yeah, right]), it's appropriate to raise the stakes of sitting on our asses and complaining about things we could easily change to a new level. If you want to win some sweet shit, read on.

Haha, you thought we were serious about raising the stakes? This is where real things hit.

The Square Haven Benevolent User Fanart Competition

Of course you don't really care about the actual meat of the competition or its purpose, but you want to know what you can actually win by participating! Well I'll tell you: nothing. Maybe you can feel good about yourself afterwards. But that doesn't mean you don't have to try anyway!

As you will see at the renowned Square Haven Forums of Death, the theme of the contest is quirky or unique fan-art of Square Enix videogames. The examples provided on the forums are obviously professional works created by not-us, and the aim of the thread is to gather stuff you didn't make yourself.

So as the actual purpose of the contest, let's say we want to see what you can make. The most dystopian, warped, and altogether fucked-up artistic interpretation of a Squenix title begets the abovementioned "nothing". Because you're all slackers, let's go over it again with some clear points for you to jot down (or ignore).

What you need to do to win shit:

  • Draw some insanely fucked up fanart from a Squenix game. How? We don't care.
  • Send this artwork as .jpg, .png, or .gif to If you overload his inbox, you will be disqualified and snowballed.
  • Add your Square Haven Username. If you do not have a Square Haven Username, register and get one (link in the top-right). Only registered users can hope to win anything.
  • Add your name, age, email address, and location. Add other shit if you think it's relevant and you think we might actually read it.
  • More participation in the interactive portions of Square Haven means more chance of winning! (Ok, not really, but do it anyway, punk!)

Once you complete the above "specifications", wait for us to kill off procrastination for a while and actually look at what you sent us. We'll reveal the winner and top 5 almost-winners (haha) at some point or another. Thanks for playing our ridiculous game!

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Forums / News / Procrastination Desists; Square Haven Launches Anniversary Competition

so what do you actually win?
*hem hem*

"Of course you don't really care about the actual meat of the competition or its purpose, but you want to know what you can actually win by participating! Well I'll tell you: nothing. Maybe you can feel good about yourself afterwards. But that doesn't mean you don't have to try anyway!"
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