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Final Fantasy X-2 not fucked up for Europe

  • Published at 17:08:53 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 20,346 times
  • Karma:  107 
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Damn those breasts are saggy.. no.. wait.. it is just the shitty localisation! ARGH!Next to the previously reported inclusion of International+Last Mission content in the European release of Final Fantasy X-2, Electronic Arts (responsible for its localisation in this territory) announced this week that the title, currently scheduled for a mid-February release, would not support switching between 50 and 60hz display modes as is present in many other titles. When Final Fantasy X was released in Europe in May 2002, the title suffered from this decision through the ever-present large horizontal black bars running along the top and bottom of the screen. EA assures us this will not be the case this time around, however, going on to say that it will look "identical to the US version of the title". Let's hope so. There's nothing great about squashed T&A.

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Quikly shall ye judgement come brothers!
I dount see why evry one hayts ffx-2 it wusnt that bad cumon now you know you mayd them chang cloths just for the hell of it.
FFX-2 is pretty cool but you can't be Wakka.
that totaly sucks
I havent played it much since my cousin is browing it but the bliz ball suckes you cant play your characters and all you see is a bunch of arrows goin around a field .
I don't have ffx-2 yet but it lokes cool
I have ffx. it is amazing. I haven't beat it yet though. I am really close though. FFX-2 better have more than Yna and Rikku. they should have more older characters like Wakka and Kimahri
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