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News / 2004 / May / 17

Flutist disses Uematsu tunes

  • Published at 04:28:00 PT
  • Reported by Rahul Choudhury
  • Read 20,489 times
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Neither Mr. Guzelimian nor Mr. Moravec has heard the "Final Fantasy" music. Catherine Ransom Karoly, a flutist in her eighth year with the Philharmonic, has. After playing the music for the first time at a Saturday morning rehearsal, she said a few catchy passages did not outweigh her overall disappointment with it. "It's almost on the level of Muzak and pretty much completely without integrity," she said. "It's really, really cheesy."

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Forums / News / Flutist disses Uematsu tunes

Can I suggest that the next rumble of the week be between Uematsu and that flutist.
haha, what's wrong with the guy who wrote the article?
what the hell does she know, she plays music she doesn't compose it, she should go and play some bartok and then say how atonal it is and how there is two many minor seconds and dimished fiths and it's not constant enough for her little ears LOL!!
The guy who wrote the article takes this ironic, contemptuous tone while talking about Final Fantasy, which he obviously knows nothing about and feels he is above researching.
Yeah, I hate it when people cant do their research before writing about something they dont know shit about.
Writing a mainstream press article about a videogame when the author is a journalist for the music/arts branch doesn't necessarily mean they have to be able to distinguish action/adventure from RPGs. Final Fantasy contains action and adventure. To any non-geek, that's pretty straightforward. The fact that the action and adventure involves turn-based battles and complex leveling structures doesn't have anything to do with the subject matter of the article, which is Uematsu's music.
In other words, you should be happy the New York Times took the time to cover Uematsu's concert at all rather than getting all anal over something as irrelevant as the genre of the game.
Wait a second, something's going on here. Could it be that Rahul is... Matthew Mirapaul in disguise!
I don't see the point in singing the praises of the mainstream press.
NY times and all those classical snobs can kiss my ass, Having Concerts for Game music is nothing news and in the Industry now, Game music and Film music are becoming one of the Same(America)of Course Game music is more freedoom in composing. The Flutist is a pumpas ass for saying that about anyones music, what she said lacks a maturity and understanding for her passion as a musician. Game music is becoming more a of a (hollywood type budget now for bigger projects, which is becoming anoying(aka John Williams wannabe's)
As a Musicain you have to change your psychology about what your going to play or your not going to play your best^_* It's a big deal to have a Japanese composer come over here and have a concert! There should be a big right up about it because of the popularity of Final Fantasy Series. ok I could ramble a long time about music LOL! but I think that's enough...
he says some cool sheet! here!
Both of you miss the point. To anyone not familiar with Final Fantasy, having a Japanese composer come and play cheesy music to a wailing audience seems plain odd: they see this completely uninteresting musical style, yet it's loved by 2200 people and the concert sold out. I suppose the flutist would liken it to a popular music concert: the quality may be horrible musically, yet it's popular simply due to other factors she has no clue about. Objectively, however, in her eyes the music is "cheesy". Whether or not our appreciation of that music is increased by a combination of experience and nostalgia has nothing to do with that.

Besides that, the fact that it's recognised enough to be published by a non-industry paper means that it's getting enough press to be noticed. That's something that more or less opposes both of your points, because you're saying that the author and the flutist don't know their stuff. They do, they're just not flamboyant fanboys like the rest of us. We should be glad they even spent any time producing an article, let alone get a chance at hearing their opinion on it, be it good or bad. It's opinion, meaning that they took the time to think about it.

Whether or not the author prints Final Fantasy as an RPG or action/adventure really has nothing to do with the argument.
alright there is no such thing as cheesy anything, because Cheesy generally refers to the sound of the instrument and not the music. She needs to go play some Irish Folk music that's about as cheesy as you can get for Flute music it's all written in the same dang mode. I don't applaud then from writing that article, there a bunch of snobs(believe me) Classical Musicians and Conductors in America have attitudes...If one can convey emotion to the listener and players then the music is doing something right.
oi chotto matte...I didn't say that the author and the Flutist don't know there stuff I said that there snobs^_* That they need a more open mind.(there is not such thing as Cheesy music for classical instruments,(matter of opinion I guess) all rules have been broken for the Orchestra there are no rules anymore, and even the Orchestra has it's own theory that can only be placed in Modern Orchestration(use of Color and all that) Japanese Music has very strong Melodic Lines and more Harmony then any Music that is popular here...Philharmonica is just to use to Playing Grand Classical Pieces, after all your the conductor of the greatest Orchestra you certianly want to be Conducting Grand Classical Pieces.
I'll give them credit for writing an article on it and taking the time to deliberate the music but that's about it.
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