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Schwarzenegger to get tough on ratings

  • Published at 02:25:53 PT
  • Reported by Andrew Farinella
  • Read 20,033 times
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Ill Be BackNothing like new Californian legislature to bring awareness to an already prospering rating system.

A new legislation, known as AB 1793, is only one signature away from becoming California State Law. The new bill would require all video game retailers to display signs notifying all potential customers of the game ratings in clear view. It also requires that information about the rating system be available to all customers.

When the bill was originally brought to vote, it was partnered with AB 1792, a bill whose purpose was to roughly define "harmful matter to children." However, both bills were overturned in their initial vote, but 1793 went on to be passed on reconsideration.

All that's left is for Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, to sign it into law. However, there has been concern, especially by major supporter of the bill, Democrat assembly member Leland Yee. Yee worries that Schwarzenegger's own ties into the mature gaming industry might sway his descision in passing the bill. However, in another attempt to store points with voters, Yee has presented the bill as a battle against the industry, when no such battle occurs. The majority of the industry finds no fault with the enforcement of the rating system, as the target audience of the industry slowly gets older, and games become much more mature. It is a way for parents to be aware of what they are buying their kids before they buy it.

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